BC2: Wedding (Arkos)

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At about 7 months into living in Argus, Jaune was starting to feel a little more like he had a normal life again.

Except it was better than normal.

At first getting used to being famous had been kind of stressful, but as time went on, he was learning to deal with it.... It might be a while before people stopped coming up to him on the street to thank him, but he'd be okay.

Of course he knew it was even worse for Pyrrha; people already knew her. But she was used to it already, and she said cheerfully that at least it wasn't just her anymore. She could always redirect their attention to other people.

Thankfully, they'd finally taken down that bronze statue of her in the park. The Argus craftsmen were going to erect a bigger one of the greater team, but it would take a year at least to finish something like that, probably. 

Fall and winter had passed again, and late spring was just turning into summer, and Argus was at its most mild time of year. The weather was mellow enough to only need light jackets or none at all if you had a tolerance. The Atlas people living here walked around in short skirts and tank tops now.

Jaune had spent most of his time off huntsmen duties working at the hospital and emergency relocation area, since he could heal and encourage people so well--plus they liked hearing about the adventures.

Pyrrha was working at the Argus base directly--mostly to avoid so much clout. She said she'd branch out once people calmed down about it.

Jaune and her usually met up outside the base when they were both off duty and walked to get dinner or lunch together and talk about their day. On their off days, they'd had other dates. Jaune knew Argus pretty well by now. Pyrrha had showed him all her old favorite places.

He'd also finally moved out of Sap's house, to her great relief.

And now that he had a little independence, he'd been pondering whether it was too soon to think of something.

"Oh, hello, Arc." Qrow saw him. He'd been so lost in thought he'd not even noticed he'd arrived at the base gates.

Qrow was leaning on the wall out there.

"Waiting for Winter?" Jaune asked with a smile.

Qrow shrugged. "Waiting for Nikos?"

"Yep." Jaune rubbed his head.

"You two are inseparable," Qrow noted. "Don't you ever wonder if it's good to spend that much time together?"

"Actually no," Jaune said. "I've just been enjoying getting to be with her without our lives being in danger for a while. Our biggest crisis recently was someone sending a dust shipment to the wrong location and people thinking it got stolen. False alarm."

"Blame Torchwick," Qrow said.

"Actually, it turned out it was the fault of the base..." Jaune winced. "Your sister had another rant about how incompetent the military here was... so yeah."

"And that's why I avoid her at work," Qrow said flatly. "Still can't believe she took that job."

"But she's got great reviews," Jaune said. "Everyone says things are running so much more smoothly."

"I'd give the Ice Queen more credit for it," Qrow said.

"Speaking of inseparable," Jaune said. "I see you together all the time. Why don't you just get married?"

He was kind of kidding--kind of.

Qrow looked a bit startled. "Well, that's a big step..."

"Well, you're not getting any younger," Jaune joked. "Don't wait too long."

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