BC74: Red Herring (Heroes and Villains)

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[Opener is "Be Prepared" from The Lion King.]

In the depths of Mistral's Whistling Woods (nicknamed as such by the locals because of the sound the wind made going through the tops of a certain kind of tree), the Baba Tribe's underground hideout had just seen the return of their latest raid.

The bandits were dividing the spoil and fighting over who got what, when suddenly they fell silent.

Mala, the tribe leader, walked in to their midst.

"Is this what I find?" she said in a harsh voice. "All of you squabbling like dogs in the street over so little loot? Is this really all you could wring out of that little village?"

The leader of this particular raid, known as Spiker by his bandit alias, stepped forward.

"The huntsmen showed up sooner this time," he said. "And two of those incompetent newcomers, Bruiser and Blighter, got themselves caught while they were having a little fun with one of the prize mares they took."

Mala eyed the tied and blindfolded other hostages, who were all being deathly quiet at the moment. 

"This is all?" she said. "A few cows and steers and you lose that much time?"

It did not do to make excuses in the Baba tribe, but Spiker had a fairly confident one.

"Cinder Fall was there," he said.

There was a collective hiss of disdain from most of the bandits near enough to hear him.

Mala curled her lip. "Our spies in Argus confirmed that she's been going in and out of there a lot, with the elite team that Branwen has trying to find us. How pathetic...but surely one woman is not enough to stop you all."

"She killed Bruiser," Spiker said flatly. "Because of that they caught Blighter, and made him lead them to us all. Snatched one of them other captives back with them. We got the rest. They had the Grimm Slayers with them also."

More hisses.

Mala leaned on her hip...but then she shrugged almost carelessly.

"Well, I suppose in this case I can't exactly hold my crew responsible then, can I? Those are the only people still capable of ruining our plans...but why did you not kill at least one of them?"

"Branwen brought reinforcements in, her brother and her boyfriend and others," Spiker recited. "We couldn't fight them all. Not without the Grimm."

A chorus of agreements from the other bandits.

Mala took out her favorite knife and began to run it under her fingernails thoughtfully.

"I grow tired of them tailing us," she said at length. "If they got this close, then one of you made a mistake. One of you must pay for it. Who's it going to be?"

At once the bandits began to volunteer each other as the culprits.

The din got so loud and so disturbing, that the hostages, even in the state they were in, found it sickening to listen to, even from the vantage point of people who'd not mind if a bandit was punished.

"Quiet!" Mala finally thundered, and they all went silent.

"One of you." She pointed at the hostages. "Chattel. Answer me. Which person was it that led you away from the village?"

No answer.

"Don't be afraid," Mala said, in almost a sweet voice. "I won't do anything to you for answering. I just need to know."

"That one's a smart one." Spiker confidently pointed at Ali.

Mala yanked the bag off his head--and he spit at her.

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