BC116: Deliverance Day (Heroes)-3

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"Why are you guys out here?" Sun asked, when they came over.

"Shopping and stuff," Jodie said. 

"Cool, we've been telling Blake all about yesterday," Yang said. "Want to join us?"

Cinder did not want to, but the kids were more than eager to pull up some chairs. Getting to hang out with the World Heroes when it wasn't because of a mission their parents were on was a rare treat for them.

Esmeralda was watching all the team with some nervousness, like that many people actually looking at her made her nervous.

"Oh," Sun said, around a bit of food, "Blake, this is Esmeralda, the lady we were telling you about."

"Lady?" Esmeralda reapreted strangely.

"Nice to meet you." Blake stood, holding out a hand. "I heard a lot about you helping them. And...Cinder--" She gave her a strange look. "--I'm...glad you're okay."

Cinder shrugged. She didn't know if she liked Blake or was just indifferent for the most part. She didn't really think Blake liked her though. But she didn't think anyone did.

"Hey, tell us about defeating Mala," Sun urged, using his tail to motion Cinder to sit down. "None of these guys were there for it."

Esmeralda glanced at Cinder.

"Don't you think that's a little insensitive?" Cinder said.

None of them thought she, of all people, would say that, and they looked at her blankly.

The three teens also looked confused.

"Why?" Esmeralda asked. "What do you mean by that?"

Cinder gave her a look of disbelief.

"Oh...oh," Esmeralda said, reddening. "But it's fine. I don't mind. I want to hear what happened. No one told me."

Cinder didn't want to tell her...

But everyone was looking at her expectantly.

Sitting down as far from them as she could, she shrugged moodily. "It wasn't anything that special. We just fought her for a while. She wouldn't die. Every time we stabbed her the grimm just covered the wound up... Eventually she tried to escape by using the Grimm to burrow through the ceiling, and we stopped her, and then the Grimm-plant-mouth thing came up out of the ground and swallowed her whole while she was screaming at us. That's all."


"You know, my mom did say she basically just brought on her own demise," Yang said. "But she didn't say it was like that."

"Sounds like what Ruby said happened to Torchwick," Weiss said. "Was that...weird to see?"

"It was a relief," Cinder said bluntly. "Even if we could have ended her, it was getting too unstable in there to be safe to drag it out. You can thank Theo for that."

"Heh," Meridian and Hamish both chuckled.

"So in the end, it was her own fault," Blake said, amazed. "Why does that always happen?"

"It's poetic," Neptune said. "Greed devoured her the way it devoured everyone else. Or pride... Which was the plant Grimm?"

"Uh, both Pride and Greed had plants," Sun said. "I ate one, remember?"

"Was that you?" Esmeralda gave him a huge stare. "Cinder said that happened to someone... Which one are you?"

"Cinder, you told her dirt on me?" Sun pouted. "Now she won't think I'm cool."

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