BC83: Consumed (Menagerie)-2

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[Opener: "Paranoia"--A Day to Remember]

The fire was getting suffocating to Emerald, and she rushed to the hall behind the stairs.

Mino followed, also coughing on smoke.

"Give up!" Emerald yelled at him. "We're both going to die in here if you keep fighting!"

"Just one of us!" Mino snarled at her, and she ducked so that his gun--which was now more like a buzzsaw--hit the pillar.

Emerald threw her chained knives around his arm and yanked it while he was trying to pull his saw free, and she kicked his arm hard, so that it almost broke.

He yelled in pain.

She pulled his weapon out of his hand and kicked him back.

"Just quit!" she said, coughing.

Mino looked up.

Emerald followed suit.

The pillar he'd just hit was already on fire...and it started to crack.

Mino got up and ran for it.

Emerald yelped and somehow tumbled out of the way--no time to unhook one knife from the other weapon--as the pillar snapped and part of the top floor came down with it, catching on fire.

 But it did make a path to the upstairs.

Thinking her chances were better of avoiding the flames if she went to the level they weren't currently on yet, Emerald used her other knife to swing up there, which took a lot more effort with less air. She coughed again.

But she stumbled into one of the bedrooms.

A bunch of Faunus kids looked up at her.

"What are you doing in here? Get out! This place is on fire!" Emerald screamed at them.

They jumped up.

"Where?" said one.

"Break a window, anything." Emerald didn't think the fall would hurt them too much from this story onto soft, sandy grass... Remnant kids were rough.

[But don't try this at home, real world kids. We don't have Aura... Unless there's something softer to land on, jumping out of a two-story house is a bad idea in a fire unless it's absolutely your last recourse.]

Some older kids grabbed heavy objects and began to hit at their window. They broke it in a few swings.

"There's the others," they said. "Hey, up here!"

They didn't see the Deimos, who were hovering over the house...but they weren't trying to go in. All Grimm were afraid of fire, usually.

"Just go!" Emerald urged.

The kids began to jump to the palm trees that grew close to the house... Almost all Faunus were already tree climbers, thanks to living in more rural areas.

Emerald ran to the next room. This one was empty. A lot of rooms were still empty here.

She ran up and down the hall and only found half a dozen more kids. Most of them were living on the bottom floor still.

It was good the orphanage hadn't been even half full yet, since it had only just opened, or this situation would have been even worse.

Emerald was going to jump out the window herself--she was getting light-headed...but suddenly she remembered...the attic!

She ran back to that side of the house...and the floor under her felt hot now. It was probably already on fire.

The smoke was getting thick up here too, since smoke rises. It stung her eyes, even though she used her Aura to shield herself a bit more from it...but after the fight, her Aura was depleted.

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