BC65: Twisted (Heroes and Villains)-4

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Cinder was waiting outside on the street that led to Shade.

She was thinking over what happened and wondering what had made her think to try that kind of mind trick on Watts...and why it had worked.

She felt as if she'd projected Shine's method there. But maybe a little less savage and a little more mocking. Shine might have some notes for her when she wrote about this (because of course she was going to brag about it if it worked).

Royal finally caught up to her.

"Robyn's following the escort back to the school," he explained. "Told me to come get you. Theo's going to want to hear this right from the source."

"Fine." Cinder wasn't in the mood to be snippy after that.

"How did you know that would work?" Royal said, with undisguised admiration.

"I know Watts." Cinder attempted to sound cool...but then the truth came out. "I really didn't know. I don't know what made me try that. I guess I learned from the others. I can't believe it worked."

"I can. It was awesome." Royal sounded like a kid. "Kind of scary, but still. I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel, not that it didn't serve him right, the rat. Some people cannot learn from their mistakes, I guess. But still...do you think he'll follow through?"

"I think if he doesn't I have license to mock him for the rest of his likely short life once Vara hears about this," Cinder said. "But you never know with Watts. He might try to weasel out of it."

"Lowkey, I was surprised you didn't blow up at him when he insulted you. I would have."

Cinder would never have believed that if she hadn't seen him do it before.

"Oh..." she said uncomfortably. "Well, I would usually, but I realized it doesn't really work, not with him. He'd just like to get under my skin."

"Why does he hate you so much? What did you do to him?" Royal said.

"I almost killed him."

"Before that."

"I really don't know." Cinder felt they'd had this conversation before. "I think it started when I joined Salem. He didn't like competition. I suppose Tyrian wasn't really competition, and Hazel was too intimidating for him to mess with, but it was a little easier for me, when I wasn't that powerful. Later he just kept at it because I lost at Beacon. And now that I've left the crime thing altogether, I guess he thinks I just gave up."

"I think he's afraid that that proves you're smarter than he is," Royal objected. "Which it does."

Cinder didn't like this kind of flattery--it made her feel weird.

"Or I just can't afford the risk now."

"Can he? This is going to blow up in his face if we don't stop it. I just hope he's wrong about getting off easy." Royal sniffed indignantly. "I think we should sue."

"That is such a rich person thing to say."

"What would you do? Cut his fingers off?"

"Ew. No, I would do something more lethal than that."

"I just think he'd hate it if he lost his rep," Royal mused.

"Revenge isn't very Christian," Cinder said dryly. "But I believe Shine would probably just say to demote him and let everyone know about it."

"Right for the jugular, huh? She's not as nice as she seems."

"Not with things like this. She hates liars. I just think she'd have thought of this ages ago, probably how to solve this entire case." Cinder frowned to herself. "Things go slower without them."

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