222: With a Million Lies, The Truth Will Rise to Tear You Apart

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It didn't look at first as if the gods, or whatever they were, would comply with the demand for truth.

["The Judge"--21 Pilots]

The jury, as they were, wondered if this was going to turn into a stalemate.

Vara wasn't really good for this anyway. She was still unconscious.

"Does anyone understand what's happening right now?" Jaune asked.

"Not at all," Pyrrha murmured.

"Oh good, I thought it was just me," Jaune said.

"Dude, I haven't understood one thing about this entire day," Sun said.

"I assume this is necessary to get them to leave." Winter was leaning forward and squinting at the gods thoughtfully. "If they give us the truth, perhaps their claim will not hold up. This is an interesting way to do it."

Qrow looked at her weirdly, then looked at Weiss. She shrugged at him but then nodded. "Maybe, yeah."

"Why do I feel like you two are the only ones comfortable with this turn of events?" Meridian murmured.

Finally, after Shine staring them down, and Wally being uncertain what to do, the pseudo gods seem to have to relent.

"This is an account of our history," the elder said.

Behind everyone, on the back wall of this--room? Was it a room?--there materialized a sort of screen. 

This was preferable to being lost in another white void, but it gave most of them the unmatched feeling that they'd entered a movie theater.

And images began to play on the screen.

Even the spirits of the Relics were watching, though they probably understood very poorly.

And Salem and Ozma were just gawking.

"Jinn," the god of light said, "explain."

Jinn, not at all as if this pleased her but of course having no choice about it, rose up, and blue smoke surrounded everyone, though it only blocked their view of what was around them so that it was even more like being in a theater than before.

"A long time ago when the world was new..." Jinn began, "it had another name. Artriusterra. And the world had no God but the one unseen and unknown." [Artrius is a Latin word that means "complete", "perfect", "artful", or "cunning". Terra means "land". I didn't use the correct Latin grammar, but roughly it would mean "complete or perfect land". We came up with this idea because the name Remnant couldn't always have been the world's name since it only applies because they are a remnant of the humans and world before them. So it stood to reason that the first name might mean "whole" or some variation of that.]

The images displayed people living very simple lives, farming and doing woodwork or other such trades, with families and children.

It looked very surreal.

"Mankind was troubled then by evils," Jinn's narration continued, "but they were only what is common to man, and they were not the ones of the gods. The world was new and very undeveloped. The first men and women had only just found their way there not a hundred years ago from the other worlds of men."

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