BC68: Twisted (Heroes and Villains)-7

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The pass was very rocky and very narrow. It wouldn't have been used by caravans--not enough room--which made it easy for travelers on foot to use it.

On a map it might have been in the general area they suspected the Baba tribe had to be hiding in, but too far from where they'd attacked previous to be the right place, the team thought.

But how did they come and go so quickly? Perhaps they had any number of small hiding spots and they traveled to and from their main quarters over days at a time so they were never caught.

"He gave in too easily," Oscar remarked to the others. "I think this is probably a trap."

"Wouldn't be the first one we've walked into," Yang said. "But maybe we can still use it."

"If two of us versus two of them was still a pretty hard fight. I don't know about just this many of us against a bunch more," Oscar worried.

Weiss had finally caught up with them, using a glyph. She reported that Tammy was safely in the village again with her family.

"She was able to tell a little more about what she saw," she told them. "She was still shaken up. But those two just stopped because they were...impatient. Maybe it was the Avarice affecting their brains, since it looks like it got them caught too easily. But the others went on, taking the other prisoners with them. She heard them say they had a meeting point. So maybe that rat isn't lying about that and we were right about it. But she didn't know anything else. It's not like they'd explain it to her. Also she thinks that Kate and Juan's mom (whose name is Dolores) were taken along with Ali by the large group to the meeting point. Maybe from there they'll get picked up.

"Remember, we suspected they had ships," Royal said. "What if they have the safe spot, and then they get picked up by those ships and taken to their real hideout?"

"It would explain how we never find enough traces of them near the towns," Weiss said. "And how they do it so fast. I forgot about the ships. This is so much more complicated than we expected when they first had that hustle."

"When I think that Cinder is the only reason we found out what was going on," Neptune said, "I think fate has an odd way of working."

"Come to think of it, she and Torchwick trying to rob Ruby is what set that whole adventure in motion too," Yang said. "Fate is weird. Or God...whatever you call it."

"Did you hear what happened?" Weiss asked in a low voice.

"Not exactly," Yang said. "Oscar said that one of the bandits was killed in the fight. Was it...I mean, did you have to?"

"What would you say if I did?" Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you had to do it," Neptune said. "And that scumbag deserved it. Those poor girls."

Yang looked ill too. "Makes me sick to my stomach."

"I'm glad to hear that," Weiss said. "Because it wasn't me. Cinder killed him. He was going to bash my head in, and I couldn't get free fast enough.... Those summonings take too much time. They're better for long range. I'm starting to regret that I can't do hand-to-hand that well. I just never practiced it like you and Ruby did. But whenever I get cornered, it's a problem. The Grimm are easy, but humans aren't."

"Maybe you should start training for that," Yang said.

"I have a little at Vacuo, but I hate using my fists. It just feels so barbaric--uh, no offense," Weiss said.

"None taken." Yang shrugged.

"Cinder actually saved you?" Neptune said. "Wow...what a turnaround."

"Yeah, to think she threw me off a bridge a few years ago and I fell into Underland," Weiss said. "And she impaled me before that. I'd never have thought in a thousand years she'd shoot someone who was going to kill me. The weird thing? She acted like it bothered her to do it."

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