BC8: Flurry (Snow Bird and Co.)

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Winter was busy for weeks after Raven and her discussed Emerald's idea, trying to coordinate meetings with different people.

She also contacted Gira Belladonna. She'd also asked him about possible White Fang Support for hunting down bandits and keeping shipments safe.

The White Fang was only growing in influence, now that the war was over. Faunus were being looked better upon, though prejudice was still a problem, but since there was a shortage of available fighters and workers, they had become a more valuable commodity in the eyes of the kingdoms.

Menagerie had hundreds of them also who wouldn't have minded higher paying jobs, if they got fair treatment, and this was being coordinated.

Blake and Sun, both being people who didn't like to sit still too long, had taken the job of being envoys. They were going to Faunus domain's all over Remnant and finding new recruits and hires.

The White Fang was slowly rebranded itself into less of a terriost/cult/political group, and more into something like the Happy Huntresses, but with Faunus. Their animal traits made them a lot more versatile at many different jobs than humans were (without semblances), and they were learning to play that factor up more.

It would take a decade for it to become prevalent, perhaps, but the new approach was catching on with Faunus who were sick of the fighting and being labled maniacs by humans.

Gira, while not always happy about working with humans so much, appreciated Winter's efforts to be fair and Blake's endorsement of her leadership skills qualities, and had been amenable to cooperating so far.

Also, the Faunus were affected by the strain on resources too, so they had a common interest.

Winter finally just flew to Haven to discuss things in person--and she hadn't visited Blake in a while, which wasn't really her priority, but Weiss was going to Haven at this time also for her own job, and was planning to visit, and they'd offered to have tea or something...

Qrow went with her.

Royal Zapato flew them, those Winter could have flown herself, but the airship would be used for errands while she was staying, as they were still short.

Kali Belladonna welcomed them enthusiastically.

"Blake still isn't back yet," she said. "I think she was going to meet up with her teammates at the train station, but...anyway, I know she'll be happy to see you all again. How is everything?"

"As well as can be expected," Winter said.

Kali nodded. "Gira is still working also. Would you like some tea and refreshments?"

"This place sure looks better than it did last time we were here," Qrow said.

"Well, that was 14 months ago, Mr. Branwen," Kali pointed out. "The repairs after those plagues are mostly finished. The extra labor has helped. Mistral was never my favorite place, but since necessity seems to be the mother of camaraderie between humans and faunus, currently. Things have been mostly peaceful."

She sat them down and got refreshments.

Not long after that, Blake and Weiss walked in, with Sun and Meridian not far behind them.

"Winter!" Weiss hurried up to hug her.

Winter scrutinized her. "You're still dressing down I see."

"You say that, but everyone in Shade still says I look like an uptight snob," Weiss said.

"Theodore allows that?" Winter said.

"Theo doesn't really fight our battles," Weiss said. "It's fine, I've been earning their respect."

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