BC15: Change (Hazel's Chapter)

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About 3 days after these events, Mercury had had enough of bottling up his thoughts about it.

So he told Hazel what happened.

He was at his house, though it was more of a small apartment that Hazel could barely fit through the door of, but for one person it was adequate.

"All that time, does she say anything about not being happy?" Mercury concluded the latest round of complaining/venting. "Nope. Then it's just done. Poof! Nice knowing you."

"Hmm." Hazel had barely said a word this whole time except, "Coffee?"

"I don't know." Mercury finally was petering out. "I guess if that's what she wants. I mean, we were together mostly because she was into it anyway. Why should I worry about it?"

"Mmm." Hazel nodded.

"Are you just gong to say 'mmm' and not anything else?" Mercury said.

"It sounds like you've thought it out more than enough," Hazel said.

"That's...it?" Mercury said.

"Did you expect me to have insights to what women think?" Hazel asked.

Granted...that one was on Mercury.

"But...I don't know. If it were you, wouldn't you...think anything? It wouldn't piss you off?" Mercury griped, shrugging with his arms folded in an irritated manner.

"I might be. It's hard to say. I've never gone after that sort of thing," Hazel said.

"Never? You never had a girlfriend?"

Hazel thought. "I suppose a long, long time ago, I had schoolboy crushes like other people, but not since my sister died. I didn't focus on anything else."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but isn't it a little unusual to obsess so much about your sister? I mean, no other family or friends?"

"We had no other family I'd care to think of, and none alive now. And friends didn't last long after I became focused on Ozpin. You can imagine they thought it was mad."

"I can see that..." Mercury sighed. "Well, I'm in the same boat. I just thought we were in this together."

"I'm sorry it didn't work out," Hazel said flatly, though he surely meant it, in his way. "But if she was being honest, she must think it's for the best. And you should respect her wishes."

"Oh, I won't stalk her," Mercury said. "I have my pride. I just don't get it. Nothing was wrong and then everything was wrong."

[Men are so clueless, am I right?... Not just men, sadly.]

Someone rapped on th door.

"You get visitors? Or is that a delivery?" Mercury said, casually taking a sip.

"It's probably Raven." Hazel got up.

"It's what?--" Mercury almost spat out his coffee.

Hazel opened the door.

It was Raven.

"Hey," she said with her usual brisk way of speaking that never denoted any real emotion. "There's something I should probably tell you about before it gets out of hand. Maybe over coffee?"

"Not today," Hazel said. "I have a situation already."

Today? Mercury thought. What the frick? Had this happened before?

"Are you kidding me?" he said.

"Black?" Raven looked past Hazel--barely. "Oh...well, I won't need to bother now. At least I don't think I will.... Depends. What's going on here?"

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