202: Invaded by the Dark (Can't Escape)

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Mercury didn't know if Salem intended to leave him to himself while she was using him as leverage.

But it was perfectly clear that Tyrian wouldn't have, if given his way. Being very bored, he had nothing else to do but make threats to Mercury about what he would do and try to scratch him with his crescent weapons.

Mercury didn't really care if Tyrian roughed him up-- it was the way he did it that bothered him. Like he would have done way more if Salem's wrath wouldn't have been impending.

Well, it was just like being home again, with his psychotic father "training" him.

Minus the part where he could run.

However, around 10-12 hours after he'd arrived--at least he thought it must have been that long--Salem herself did come in.

"I hear Tyrian has been keeping a close eye on you," she said.

Heard it from who? Tyrian? Mercury thought.

"While I can't offer you your freedom, I could instruct him to make this more painless," Salem offered coolly. "If you will just answer one question: What is the real weakness of your new guides?"

"From all I hear, temper tantrums and bickering," Mercury said obstinately. "So you've probably got it covered."

Salem's eyes glowed, then she raised her hands and magic crackled in them.

Mercury knew what this was, but no amount of hearing Oscar's torture could have prepared him for how much it would hurt.

Magic had a different feel from just fire and brute force--it was a sickening sort of feeling.

Also, perhaps it hurt him more because of the Silver Eyes being opposed to it. In any case, it felt wrong.

And very painful.

Mercury thought even his old man didn't hit that hard.

Salem regarded him without a shred of pity. "I would advise against further attempts at being clever," she said coldly.

Mercury wanted to say that he could take more of that--but he honestly didn't think he could take much more of it.

So, more subdued, he said, "Well, the truth is I really don't know."

Salem raised her hands.

"You can do that, but it won't change anything," Mercury said hastily. "They've never told us how to defeat them. Why would they? They don't trust all of us."

"Interesting." Salem hesitated. "And why did they bring people they didn't trust on such a dangerous mission?"

She clearly didn't believe him, and her tone was mocking.

However, Mercury liked this question a lot better because, from all Shine had said, he figured it would frick with her to get the answer.

"Well," he said evenly, "maybe it was just big talk, but I know what they said was that it wouldn't make any difference."

"And what does that mean?" Salem said oddly. "Of course it makes a difference. Loyalty always does."

"Not to them," Mercury said, thinking he'd take this chance to see if Salem really was worried about their success. "I've seen them play people whether they trusted them or not. Watts? Likstar had him on a leash before he even knew she was playing the game. Tricked him into thinking it was his idea, but then she trapped him and forced him to do what she said. I heard all about it. Cinder? She doesn't even like them, but she's just putty in their hands because no matter how hard she tries to get ahead, they're one step ahead of her. Why else do you think she hasn't just stolen the Relics yet? And the team? She knows all their weaknesses, and she can pit people against each other like it's nothing."

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