chapter 48: real love

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He couldn't sleep. All Lo'ak had been thinking about was Ngalu's promise to Neteyam. Well, not only that. Every time he'd close his eyes, he'd see Neteyam laying lifeless before him. He wasn't sleeping well again, remembering the first few weeks he'd been here. He couldn't sleep until he found that one special girl. He didn't want to sleep next to her anymore. He was so sad, it would only make her sad too. And he'd hear her sobbing at night through the walls. He couldn't take it to see her in so much pain. Plus he had nightmares sometimes, his mind replaying the moment that he realized Neteyam got shot. And then he remembered that it was all his fault. It was kind of like a loop, he couldn't get out. He didn't want to worry her. But god, how he missed her soft touch. Every fiber, every cell of his body craved her. He wanted to give in, he really did. But he would be hurting her in the process.

It was that time again, Ngalu cried her little heart out until she couldn't anymore. Tonight was finally the night, she was going to relive all of the good memories she had with Neteyam. She was done crying every night, it took up so much energy. She would always be drained the morning after.

As she wiped her tears, sudden footsteps sounded from right next to her. She turned her back to the unknown person, thinking they'd figure she was asleep. Suddenly, she heard shuffling beside her as an arm gabbed onto her, pulling her close.

She already knew who it was, she'd recognize his touch out of a million people. It was Lo'ak. He probably couldn't sleep again. 'We will get through this. Together.' He softly spoke as he gave her a kiss on her temple.

She shifted around, meeting his eyes. He was a little startled, he thought she was asleep. She looked at his eyes and then at his lips. He noticed and slowly pulled her in. Their lips touched and Lo'ak's tail flung up. This is what he'd been craving all along. Her hand got tangled in his hair as he held onto her waist.

'What are you doing?'

A soft and high pitched voice spoke as Ngalu and Lo'ak shot up, looking at the little girl standing in front of them.

'Aahh, we are cuddling.' Lo'ak told interested Tuk.

Ngalu looked up at him with an unamused expression. 'Really? That's all you could think of?'

'Yeah, or did you want me to tell her that I lost something and was looking for it in your mouth?' He raised an eyebrow.

'What?' Tuk asked, tilting her head to the side.

'Nothing!' Ngalu and Lo'ak whisper-yelled as they looked at each other. 'What's wrong, Tuk? It's late.' Ngalu tried to change the topic of the conversation.

'I can't sleep.' Tuk said, holding onto her stuffed animal and rubbing in her eye. 'Can I join?'

'Of course.' Ngalu told her, scooting to the side a bit to create some space between her and Lo'ak. Lo'ak wanted to object but she quickly told him off.

Tuk climbed over Lo'ak to get in the middle of their mat, accidentally shoving her foot in his face. 'Hey!' Lo'ak whispered as Ngalu giggled. 'We were busy!' Lo'ak told her, annoyed.

'Now you can cool off.' Ngalu chuckled as Tuk clung onto her, yawning and closing her eyes. Ngalu yawned too, nestling in and dozing off as well. Lo'ak followed as he figured that they wouldn't be continuing what they'd just started.

When Neytiri saw the three of them laying together the next morning, sound asleep, she wanted to cry and run to Jake to tell him. Lo'ak was snoring, Ngalu was drooling and Tuk was spread out in an unusual position with one of her hands in Lo'ak's face.

Neytiri smiled behind her hand as she looked at them in awe. My babies, she thought. As Lo'ak's snoring slowly stopped, Neytiri made sure she was out of the space before he woke up.

His eyes slowly opened as he looked at Ngalu and Tuk. This was what he wanted. To create a family with the one he loved most, Ngalu. She handled Tuk so well yesterday. He knew she would be an amazing mother.

Ngalu's eyes fluttered open. She met with Lo'ak staring at her. Not in a creepy way though, in a sweet way. 'Hey.' She said softly.

'Morning.' He said with his raspy morning voice that sent shivers up her spine. 'I'm going to make you breakfast.' He said, surprising himself a little bit.

Ngalu looked up. 'Really?' She asked him. 'What have I done to deserve that?' She smirked, propping herself up with her elbows.

He wanted to show her that he could take care of her too. That he could be a good father one day. 'Because I feel like it. Don't make me regret it now.'

'Never.' She smiled up at him. Tuk shifted around next to her, catching her eye. She yawned as she sat up and stretched her arms. 'Morning, Tuk Tuk.' Ngalu smiled at her, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

'Good morning.' Tuk smiled bright, looking at Lo'ak who stood up.

He walked out, leaving Ngalu and Tuk to themselves as he heard giggles coming from her room. 'Will you be my sister now?' Tuk asked, leaving Ngalu speechless. He couldn't hear her response but he was chuckling, shaking his head while looking down.

Lo'ak met with his father in the center area of their pod. The fire was already on as Jake turned to meet his son. 'Good morning son, how did you sleep?' Jake asked him, already knowing the answer. He was going to respond with "okay" while he could tell Lo'ak was lying. He had a terrible night last night.

'Couldn't have been better.' Lo'ak smiled to himself as he grabbed some food, putting it on the fire.

Jake looked at him in surprise. Firstly, he was cheerful and happy and you couldn't punch that smile off his face if you tried. Secondly, he was making breakfast. 'What are you doing?' Jake asked him out of curiosity.

He slowly turned his head with a puzzled expression on his face. 'I am making breakfast?' Was his father dumb?

Okay, so he was right. Lo'ak was making breakfast. But why though? Lo'ak could've waited for him to be done.

Then the reason walked in, giggling like her life depended on it. It was Ngalu holding Tuk's hand. Tuk had braided Ngalu's hair, making it look a little silly. Once Lo'ak turned around and saw her, he smiled even brighter. Jake didn't even think it was possible.

'What a hardworking man.' Ngalu joked, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Lo'ak blushed, his tail flinging up as he nodded. 'You know me.'

'You are literally the opposite of a working man.' She laughed as he softly hit her shoulder.

'For your information, I can be a great worker. You just haven't seen it yet.'

'Well, show me then.' She said, pulling his tail as he lunged at her. He wrapped his arms around her, peppering kisses all over her pretty face.

Jake had lifted Tuk in his arms, his free arm draped around Neytiri's shoulders as they watched the two in front of them. They were so in love. It reminded them of themselves when they were younger. Jake placed a kiss on Neytiri's head before she put it on his shoulder.

This was real love.

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