chapter 8: dissapointment

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What did you do today? Ngalu was teaching everybody their sign language to use underwater. They all seemed exited, even
Lo'ak. Lo'ak and Ngalu seemed to tolerate each other after what happened the other day with Payakan. They didn't tell anyone yet though, they were scared the people would go and look for him.

She learned the reason that Lo'ak was out in the water that far from the reefs edge that day was her brother Aonung and his stupid pride. They apparently fought earlier that day because Aonung called Kiri a freak. Of course Lo'ak and Neteyam stood up for their sister and literally beat up Aonung and his friends. Which they totally deserved, by the way. If Ngalu had been there, she would've whipped his ass too.

Everybody was worried when the two of them came back. Apparently people found out that Aonung left Lo'ak out there all alone and went into panic mode when they realized Ngalu was missing too. Tsireya was freaking out again while Neteyam was ready to kill someone. It was already eclipse when Payakan brought them back to the shore. The whole way back, the two of them didn't speak a word to each other.

They'd spent all day with Payakan. He wasn't as bad as people make of him, the opposite actually. He was really sweet and really seemed to have formed a liking towards Lo'ak. Which, now she thinks of it, surprised her. It's not likely that a Tulkun even comes near a forest Na'vi.

I was, Neteyam thought deeply to himself what to sign next. He thought Ngalu had been teaching them very well, he only had trouble remembering it. Swimming. He finally found the right word.

'Took you some time.' Aonung opened his dumb mouth again.

Aonung, if you do not shut up right now I will shut you up. Ngalu signed back. He only rolled his eyes and leaned back on the rock, trying to sunbathe and act like what she said was nothing important.

'What did that mean?' Lo'ak asked her.

'Nothing.' She simply smiled while Aonung scoffed.

Neteyam found it quite strange that Lo'ak and Ngalu suddenly made peace. They couldn't stand each other a few days ago. It wasn't like they were best friends or anything like that, but they didn't fight anymore. He would sometimes notice Lo'ak glancing over at her. Neteyam didn't know what he was thinking but boy if he could take a look in his mind right now, he would. He was getting distracted by the two of them.

Ngalu noticed how Neteyam was acting weird. He would glance over at Lo'ak and then at her, but mostly at Lo'ak.

'Anyways, good job Teyam! You are doing great.' She smiled at the boy, who returned it immediately. She heared his family call him Teyam before and since he was calling her Alu, she wanted a nickname for him as well. 'That was great for today. You all can enjoy some time off now.' She shot a look at Lo'ak who could immediately read her and slightly nodded. They hadn't really talked to each other since that day with Payakan. She thought it was long enough that the two of them kept silent.

'Alright, let's go swimming bro. You coming, Alu?' Neteyam looked over at Lo'ak as he stood up and asked Ngalu, indicating that he wanted her to come. He really started to form a liking towards the Metkayina girl. On the first day they spoke, she compared herself to her sister which shocked the boy. It wasn't a competiton and Tsireya was without a doubt gorgeous but there was something about Ngalu that attracted him to her. She was such a wild and free spirit.

She shook her head. 'You go ahead without me, I will come later!' She smiled at him. She wasn't lying, she was going to meet him later. But right now, she needed to speak with the younger troublemaker first.

'Okay! Bro, you coming?' He turned back to Lo'ak.

But Lo'ak declined his offer as he shook his head. 'Sorry bro I, euh, need to help Kiri with her Ilu.' He was so see through it just hurt. He can't lie for his life. But Neteyam believed him nonetheless. Everybody left so Lo'ak and Ngalu found an opportunity to sneak off together.

'Let's go to my hut, nobody is in there right now.' Lo'ak told her while pointing to the side. She nodded and followed him, no questions asked. When the two finally made it inside, he was right. There was nobody here. 'You wanted to talk?' He said but he ended the sentence in a higher pitched tone, like he was asking a question.

Ngalu nodded. 'Yes, it is about Payakan.' Lo'ak was all ears as he sat down on the floor. 'Listen, we cannot tell anybody about our interaction with him. People will be against it and will maybe go look for him. You have to promise me to keep it a secret.'

'I promise.' He said.

'Good.' She responded. A silence fell upon the two Na'vi, not knowing what to say to each other. Were they going to talk about the way they treated each other a few days before? It didn't seem like they were about to. It was getting awkward now. Lo'ak looked everywhere except at her. Ngalu looked confused at the boy who's refusing to make eye contact. 'What the hell are you doing?'

He faced her again. 'What?' He shook his head quickly while shrugging, not knowing what she meant.

'You are acting strange.' She told him, matter of factly. She just blankly looked at him.

'As if you know me.' He murmured.

'Seriously? I thought we were past us fighting the whole time.' She rolled her eyes, annoyed at the boy.

'Well, you thought wrong.' He crossed his arms, not looking at her direction. He was getting a little frightened. Not of her, but of his feelings. He'd noticed his heartbeat suddenly acting up whenever he heard her voice. That was a bad sign and he knew it. The only way to get out of this, was to make himself insufferable. He had to push her away.

'Oh my Eywa, Lo'ak. What are you getting so worked up about? You are such a child.' She threw her arms up and flopped them down again.

'Stop acting like you know all about us, you don't.' He still wasn't looking at her. He couldn't.

'You know what, I am done with this.' She stomped out of their hut in great annoyance. She thought she made progress with him. He seemed okay during their time with Payakan. Now he's acting like it never happened. Which is good, she thought. Now no one will find out about that day. But she couldn't help to feel a little disappointed.

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