chapter 19: dinner is served

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Ngalu looked at herself in the reflection of the clear waters of the ocean. She turned around, making sure she looked perfect. She actually tried her best to look okay today, which shocked both Aonung and Tsireya when she walked past them on her way back into their pod. Tsireya walked after her, leaving Aonung with a strange look on his face. 'And why are you so dressed up, huh?' Tsireya eyed her while Ngalu put a flower in her hair. The flower Neteyam gave her yesterday.

She let out a shaky breath. 'I am having dinner with the Sully's. Neteyam asked me to join them.' She was never nervous, and she means it when she says never. And it wasn't Neteyam making her nervous, maybe a bit. But having to be with the whole Sully family in one pod worried her. Well, being with Lo'ak and Neteyam at the same time while their whole family watched them was what worried her the most.

Tsireya's eyes lit up. 'Oh my god, are you serious? How come you've never told me you were that serious with him!' She yelled, squeaking like an Ilu.

Ngalu shrugged. 'I don't know.' But she did know. She didn't even know if Neteyam and her were that serious. She just enjoyed spending time with him. But on the other hand, he did give her a fuzzy feeling in her stomach. But that was nothing compared to what Lo'ak made her feel. But she hated him and he's off limits.

'I wish Lo'ak would ask me to do something with his family too. But I know him, he is too stubborn and he isn't into all of that. You're lucky with Neteyam.' She smiled at Ngalu, nudging her with her elbow. 'He's just so, I don't know. I can't stop thinking about him. I keep smiling at the thought of him. Look at me, I'm a mess!' She yelled while pointing at her smile as she flopped on her mat, stretching out and patting next to her to indicate that Ngalu had to sit down.

She sat down next to her sister, having to hear her swoon over Lo'ak. 'Are you two.. a thing?' She asked her sister carefully, not showing how much she cared. She, compared to Lo'ak, did have a good poker face.

Tsireya bit her lip softly. 'I don't know. He's so different than the others.' Then she sat up again, grabbing Ngalu's hand. 'I know you hate him but if we become a mated pair, you'll have to learn how to live beside him.' She said, making Ngalu raise her eyebrows a little while her eyes grew wide.

She quickly put her happy-for-you mask back on on and smiled at her while nodding. 'I will try my best.' She laughed at her. She has no idea why she's so against the idea of them being mates. She had Neteyam anyways. What if the two of them become mates? Would she be happy?

In the meantime, Neteyam was laying down on his mat as well with Lo'ak next to him. Lo'ak was sharpening his tools while listening to Neteyam ramble on about Ngalu. 'She's just so pretty, you know what I mean. I love how her face lights up when she watches the sunset or the sunrise. She's so helpful, welcoming us to her clan while teaching us the way of water. I don't know, I think I'm going to ask her if she wants to be my mate.' Lo'ak's ears shot up, turning his head swiftly at his brother.

'What did you just say?' He asked him.

'Should I not?' He said, unsure of himself.

Lo'ak shook his head. 'No, no you should not. You're too young.' He quickly made up an excuse. The real reason being him not wanting to let go of her just yet without having even explored his feelings for her.

Neteyam scoffed. 'I already did Iknimaya and Uniltaron remember, I'm a man now.'

Lo'ak chuckled, lifting an eyebrow. 'I wouldn't call you "a man" but whatever.'

Neteyam rolled his eyes, pushing his brother as he laughed. He got a glimpse of old Lo'ak and he'd be happy to get him back.

She took a deep breath in. Ngalu was outside of the Sully's pod as she slowly walked up to the entrance. Like they usually do, all of the Sully's eyes shot up at her. She looked magnificent. Neteyam gulped while quickly making his way over to her. 'Hey,' He said. 

'Hey.' She chuckled.

Neteyam felt like he couldn't talk for a second. He shook it off and grabbed Ngalu's hand, guiding her to the fire and putting her down next to him.

Lo'ak felt like he couldn't breathe. He'd never seen her look so good before. Her hair was always tangled and she had basic attire on. Even though Lo'ak loved her usual look, she really outdid herself today. Lo'ak didn't even know that was possible. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. But that was before he noticed his parents looking all cute at each other by the sight of the both of them. They were smiling at the way Neteyam looked at Ngalu and how she looked back at him.

Jake flipped something over on the fire. Neteyam and Ngalu were laughing with each other while Tuk and Kiri joined in on their conversation. Lo'ak just looked away, catching Neytiri's eyes in the process. She tilted her head, studying his face. He looked miserable. Then she looked back at Ngalu and Neteyam.

It hit her.

The reason he was looking so sad was because of his brother and his new girl-friend. His ears were lowered the whole time.

'You two look great together.' Jake said while handing Neteyam and Ngalu their bowls, making them blush in the process. Neytiri shot Jake a look and he looked back making a what? face while handing everybody else their food. 'Dinner has been served.' He said before laughing at his own joke.

Lo'ak couldn't stand this any longer and stood up, taking his bowl of food and walking out of the pod. Everybody looked up with a puzzled expression on their face. 'Did I say something wrong?' Jake looked around, eyebrows raised.

Neytiri slowly ran her hand down her face while sighing as she stood up. 'I will take this one.' She glided her hand along Jakes shoulders while walking out of their pod.

Ngalu was confused, why did he walk out? Was it her presence that bothered him or was there a deeper meaning behind it? She was worried about him, thinking back to all of the things he said by that tree.

While he sat down on the beach, Lo'ak cupped his forehead, sighing. He realized that he made it so clear he was bothered by what his father said. He was worried they'd find out that he had feelings for her.

'What is wrong, yawnetu?'

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