chapter 31: pain

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She hadn't left her pod in days. She usually didn't give a shit about other peoples opinions. But this was a whole different story. She felt betrayed. Every time she would take one step out of her pod, people would stare at her weirdly and whisper.

She hadn't seen any of the Sully's in days. Only Tsireya was allowed to come into her pod.

Tsireya had a boyfriend now. His name is Ohaye and he's very sweet and caring. He'd always tell her good morning and good night. He was nice to Ngalu too, as far as she'd heard about him. He told Tsireya that he was on Ngalu's side in all of this. She appreciated that.

Every time Tsireya would talk about him, her eyes lit up. Like something inside of her just comes alive when he's the topic.

Words couldn't explain how happy Ngalu was for her.

But she felt drained. She'd been crying for a while now. She was alone. Why the hell did this happen now?

She hadn't seen her mother these past days either. It was only her father who kept her company sometimes.

'Lo'ak has been asking about you again.' Tsireya said with a worried look on her face. 'He's worried about you.'

Ngalu tangled her hands into her hair. 'I know.' She felt like she was being dramatic on the one hand. But on the other, she couldn't face anyone right now. Everybody saw her as a cheat, a phony, a deceiver.

'He misses you.' Tsireya added to it, wondering if she could get a reaction that way.

Truth be told, Lo'ak was crazy worried. He was wondering why he couldn't see her. He didn't know how she was. He saw how she broke down the other day, it traumatized him. He didn't want her to feel this way. Lo'ak was on edge and hadn't slept in days.

Ngalu sighed while her ears lowered. 'I miss him too.'

Ngalu's answer surprised Tsireya. She didn't think she'd actually admit that straight to her face. 'I can get him for you.' Tsireya saw a little spark of hope. She wanted her to see Lo'ak, maybe she would cheer up.

She bit the inside of her cheek, deciding what she wanted. After a few seconds of silence, she finally answered. 'Alright.'

Tsireya let out a relieved sigh, walking out of their pod to go look for Lo'ak.

It didn't take long. Within minutes, Lo'ak already came running in. 'Ngalu.' He said, looking at her face. She looked like she'd been crying.

'You look terrible.' She told Lo'ak, laughing at the dark circles around his eyes.

'You're one to talk.' He said, chuckling while he sat down next to her. 'How are you?' He asked.

She nodded. 'I'm alright.'

'It's me, Lulu. You can tell me the truth.'

Him calling her Lulu again made her laugh. It was such a weird nickname. She wasn't lying, she was okay-ish. She just didn't want to see anyone. 'It is the truth. I truly am alright.' She said while laughing at him.

He put his hand on her cheek. 'God, you scared me. You were so stressed.'

She smiled gently. 'I am okay now.' She sat up, pulling him into a hug. She caught him off guard. He felt a rosy color creep up on his cheeks as he felt her hold him tightly. 'I never said thank you.'

'For what?' He said, still a little stunned.

'For calming me down.' She pulled her head back a little, facing him. 'Thank you.' She said, looking into his eyes as she gently placed her soft hand on his warm cheek.

'Your big eyes will be the death of me.' He said, grabbing her chin. He could see her react to him. Her eyebrows shot up a little before quickly lowering again. He was getting lost inside her eyes, not being able to look anywhere else.

She smirked at him. 'If you keep staring like that, you might drown.'

A smirk appeared on his face as well. 'I'd drown a million times if it was in you.'

He did it and he was damn proud he did. Lo'ak finally made Ngalu leave her pod. She still looked unsure, mostly watching the ground as she walked towards the beach. She didn't want to meet eyes with anyone. The whispers decreased. Lo'ak made sure of that.

Once her toes met with the warm sand, a smile appeared on her face. She hadn't felt that in a while.

Lo'ak's main goal was to get her into the ocean. She loved the ocean so much and she hadn't seen it in a while. 'Come on.' He pulled her arm.

'Hey, let me enjoy this.' She laughed as she hit his arm before giving into him and walking to the water with him. She quickly dove in, her Ilu swimming up to her immediately. 'Hey girl.' She said, rubbing her Ilus head. She faced Lo'ak again who was already looking at her. 'This feels nice, thank you.' She smiled.

'Stop thanking me.' He laughed. 'But you're welcome, princess.'

'Ew, never call me that again.' She said, hitting his shoulder.

He splashed her with some water before her eyes and mouth widened while she scoffed and did it back. He grabbed onto her waist, lifted her in the air and threw her a little further away. He was laughing loudly when she came up for air. 'You are so dead!' She yelled, swimming after him. She tried to push him under by climbing on his back. He was too strong.

He didn't move an inch while Ngalu tried pulling him in. He quickly turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped her legs around his. It was more of an impulse, really. She didn't mean to do that. But when she realized and tried to move away, he pulled her closer.

One of his hands moved to her face, cupping her cheek with his hand.

He looked into her eyes again.

God, those devouring eyes.

She startled him a little when she moved her arms around his neck, pinching him a little.

'Hey!' He yelled, pinching her in her waist.

'Stop that!' She laughed while hitting him softly, trying to make him stop.

Ah. A weakness.

He smirked smugly.

'No, don't you dare!' She yelled, already trying to worm out of his grip.

He started tickling and pinching her in her waist as she died of laughter, losing control of her limbs as she started splashing around.

It felt great to have her in his arms again.

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