chapter 12: disbelief

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It took a while for them to come out of their trance. Ngalu was almost out of breath. She was about to swim back up to the surface as suddenly, the spirit tree dimmed it's light and Kiri was shaking profusely. Ngalu's fight or flight senses kicked in as nobody had disconnected yet. She swam up to Kiri, trying her best to get her up to the surface immediately. That was when Neteyam unlinked and saw his sister shaking while being pushed up. He was in shock and had no time to be afraid, he swam up to the two, helping Ngalu get her up.

Once they broke the surface, Neteyam pulled Kiri on his Ilu. 'What is going on?' Ngalu asked him as she helped him on his Ilu.

'She is having a seizure.' He said in a serious voice. He was concentrated on the girl in front of him. Ngalu had never seen him that serious. He opened Kiri's mouth slightly and practiced mouth-to-mouth on her, hoping she would breathe again.

'Is she breathing?' Ngalu asked. He didn't respond. 'Neteyam, is she breathing!' She demanded an answer of him. When he didn't respond again, Kiri took a deep breath while still being unconscious. Relief hit Ngalu, she was afraid they would lose her.

She didn't notice that Tsireya and Tuk had already emerged from the water as well. Tsireya looked worried while holding a unknowing Tuk.

'Take her to the village, now!' Ngalu yelled, jumping on her Ilu and racing after Neteyam who'd already left. Tsireya took Tuk on her Ilu and followed the rest.

It felt like hours. Ngalu had waited patiently next to Neteyam right outside his pod. He was sure she would be fine, she was a special girl after all. But Ngalu was scared. She'd never seen something like that happen to someone. The weird Sky People were busy trying to help her. They weren't making any progress.

She heard her mother come into the pod and Neytiri was yelling at the Sky People, claiming that their way of helping her didn't work. Ngalu felt better after hearing her mother arrive, she was the Tsahìk. She knew what she was doing.

After some time she could hear Tuk yelling. 'Kiri! You're awake.' Ngalu's ears shot up and she ran inside, not waiting for Neteyam.

'Kiri!' She yelled. She was so relieved her friend was fine. She was okay.

Neytiri comforted the girl as she started crying. 'Oh my child, Kiri my sweet child.' She hugged her mother.

Ngalu couldn't help but feel bad. Kiri was hesitant about linking to the tree and Ngalu felt like she pushed her to do so.

Kiri was sitting alone again but this time she didn't feel like talking to anyone. She felt terrible. She swallowed so much water, her stomach and throat hurt.

Ngalu sat down next to her, not saying a word. She could feel that Kiri didn't feel like talking. At least, she would feel that way if she was in her position.

'It was so scary.' Kiri started talking, finding comfort in her newfound friend. She scooted a little closer to Ngalu.

'What did you see?' Ngalu asked her interested.

Kiri breathed out while her ears lowered at the same time. She gulped. 'It was my mom, I was so happy to see her again. To actually talk to her. She asked me what was wrong and I asked her why I was different. I asked her who my father was. She tried to tell me, at least, I hope she did. But she couldn't even talk, she was harshly being pulled away from me.' She lowered her head. 'It was terrible.'

Ngalu's look softened. 'Oh Kiri, I am so so sorry.' She put her hand on Kiri's shoulder who looked as confused as ever.

'Why are you sorry?' Kiri's head shot up while she frowned.

Ngalu sighed as she bit the inside of her cheek. 'I made you link to the tree, this is all my fault.' She lowered her head as well as her ears. 'I did not think this would happen.'

'This was your fault?' The girls both turned around as a surprised Lo'ak stood right behind them. Why did this happen now? Lo'ak stomped away while Kiri and Ngalu both got up.

Kiri was about to run after him as Ngalu grabbed her wrist and stopped her. 'No, he will give you a headache just talking to him. It will stress you out. Stay here, please.' She begged the girl.

Kiri nodded. 'Okay, could you go talk to him? Please.' She asked the girl, grabbing her hand.

Ngalu was surprised. 'Why?'

'Just to calm him down. Would you just please talk to him before he does something stupid again?'

'Alright.' She nodded and ran after the angsty boy. 'Wait up, Lo'ak!' This boy will be the death of her. 'I said wait up, Lo'ak!' He didn't stop walking. She finally got to him and grabbed his wrist. 'Why don't you listen!'

He turned around and looked like he was about to kill the girl in front of him. 'I come home after a relaxing day and hear that my sister had a seizure. Then I hear that the reason she had a seizure was you. How do you think I'm feeling?' His ears were pulled back while his nose twitched after every word he said.

Ngalu sighed. 'It is not like I wanted this to happen. Don't you think I was scared too?'

'Why would you care? You've known us for a week.' He spat out. 'I certainly wouldn't mind it if it was you in Kiri's place.' Those words did hurt her but she shook it off. He didn't mean it, of course. But it was a heated moment and he was really angry.

'That is because I am a good person and you are not.' She spat out through gritted teeth.

'What kind of a good person would try to kill someone?' He yelled, throwing his hands up.

She was shocked, she couldn't believe what she heard. Why did he think she would purposely do this to one of her close friends? 'You think I meant to do this?' She looked hurt, holding onto her chest. She couldn't believe that someone would think that of her. 'She is a close friend of mine, of course I would not kill her. Does it not say enough that I followed you here to calm you down like she asked me to?' She softly spoke, ears lowered.

Lo'ak started to feel bad. He sat down, leaning onto a tree. 'Fuck,' He pulled his legs up while lifting his hands up to his head. 'I was scared, I thought she died.' He softly spoke. This wasn't a side of Lo'ak she was used to, he seemed soft and fragile.

'I understand, but you have to hear people out first.' She stated, wanting him to learn from his mistakes. 'I wanted to explain everything to you.'

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