chapter 42: the other side

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Ngalu was getting impatient. What were these people going to do with her anyways? The large fake avatar left a couple of minutes ago as they called for backup on the main deck. She was left alone with her thoughts. She tried to chew herself out of the handcuffs but it didn't work. She was actually stuck.

Lo'ak jumped from beside her, making her jump. 'Ngalu I—'

'Save it. Just get me out of here.' She said, turning her head away from him.

His ears dropped. 'Seriously, I cannot lose you Ngalu.' He cut her loose before she rubbed her wrist, showing a red mark where the handcuff had just been.

'You should've thought of that before you decided to lie to me!' She yelled, looking into his eyes to make sure he knew how much she hurt.

He grabbed her hands quickly and held them tightly so she wouldn't be able to pull away. 'I see you, Ngalu.' He looked into her eyes as hers softened.

She inhaled sharply, surprised by Lo'ak's words. Her face relaxed. 'I was just afraid. I am scared that my people will die.'

'I won't let that happen.' He cupped her cheek with his hand as she put her hand on his.

'I love this little sentimental moment.' Quaritch appeared in front of them. Before they knew it two army guys grabbed a hold of them tightly while pulling their queue back. Ngalu and Lo'ak whimpered as they pulled their queues. Ngalu hissed at the avatar holding her as Lo'ak tried to let out a hiss as well, but failed miserably. It sounded almost like some sort of high pitched scream. 'Too bad I have to break it apart.' Quaritch took Lo'ak with him to the front as he ordered someone to tie Ngalu to the metal pole yet again. Ngalu yelled, begging him not to take him. She hissed and tried to get out of the orange handcuffs again. But it was no use. Her small victorious moment of freedom only lasted a few seconds.

It felt like hours, when it had probably only been several minutes. Ngalu was left alone again, stuck to that stupid metal pole. She wanted to look for Lo'ak. But she couldn't get her hands out of these stupid things.

Suddenly, Lo'ak ran up to her again, repeating what happened just a few moments earlier but more positively this time. 'Lo'ak!' She yelled. He shushed her as he tried to cut her loose.

'Well well, what do we have here?' A tall army avatar stood in front of them, making Lo'ak quickly turn around.

Lo'ak stepped in front of Ngalu, slightly pushing her behind him as much as he could. 'If you want her, you need to get through me first.'

'Alright.' The army guy said before putting more ammo in his gun and pointing it to him.

He blinked a few times before sprinting away.

'Lo'ak! You big wuss!' Ngalu yelled at him, rolling her eyes. 'He's into me believe it or not.' She casually told the avatar in front of her.

Suddenly, Lo'ak came sprinting back with a large piece of metal. He let out a war cry and before the army guy could react, Lo'ak hit him right in the head. 'No one touches my girl.'

'A little too cocky for running away just a few seconds ago, don't you think?' Ngalu raised an eyebrow while Lo'ak cut her loose.

'Yeah? Be happy I came back.'

'Thanks.' She responded, grabbing his chin and giving him a kiss.

'Do that again.' He said, eyes closed while pulling her arm before she could turn away as he leaned in.

'Lo'ak, we are literally in the middle of a war!' She pushed him away, grabbing the large man's gun.

Lo'ak took the gun out of her hands. 'Give that to me. My dad taught me how to use it.' He said, pointing it to something in the distance.

'Okay, hurry.' Ngalu said, pulling him away by his arm. 'We need to get out of here.'

An avatar jumped in front of them, making Lo'ak shoot him with his gun. Well, he tried to. He basically shot everywhere but the target. 'Fuck, Lo'ak.' Ngalu snatched the gun out of his hands and shot the avatar in front of her. As he flopped to the ground, she gasped as she took a step back with widened eyes.

She just killed someone.

It was the enemy but nonetheless, she was the reason he stopped breathing. Death wasn't something to take lightly, she thought.

Lo'ak saw the distress in her eyes. 'You're doing great.' He said, holding her hand. Ngalu shifted her eyes to his as he nodded and she copied him.

She chuckled slightly. '"My dad taught me how to use it" my ass.' She nudged her shoulder into his, making him laugh. Ngalu jumped for a second seeing Neteyam stand in front of them all of a sudden. 'Fuck, Teyam. You scared me.'

Neteyam smiled, seeing that they were both okay. 'Who's the mighty warrior? Come on, say it.' He told Lo'ak, grabbing the back of his neck.

'Bro shut up.' Lo'ak laughed at his bother. Ngalu looked confused at the both of them. 'He thinks he's amazing after getting Tsireya and Tuk out of here.' He explained to the confused girl in front of him as he rolled his eyes, smirking.

'But I am amazing.' Neteyam said, pushing Lo'ak.

'Okay cute and all but let's get the hell out of here, shall we?' Ngalu asked both of them acting like this is a tea party.

'No, they've got Spider. We've got to get him.' Lo'ak said, already making his way over to some kind of staircase.

'Lo'ak, no!' Neteyam said, trying to pull him back.

Lo'ak tilted his head. 'Come on bro, we can't leave him.'

Neteyam grunted as he followed Lo'ak. They both turned around, waiting for Ngalu. But Ngalu was focused on something else. She saw Kiri being captured by an Ikran. She turned back to Lo'ak and Neteyam as she waved at them, indicating that they could go without her. 'Go, I'll get Kiri.'

'See you on the other side.' Neteyam said, smiling at her.

'See you on the other side.' Ngalu repeated, smirking as they split up.

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