chapter 1: get your ass in here!

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The loud horn completely pulled Ngalu out of her thoughts. What is it now? That horn going off twice in one week? That had to be a record. Finally letting her curiosity get the best of her, she hopped out of her tent trying to see what all the fuss was about. There were a lot of Na'vi already gathering around a particular part of the beach. And are those, Banshees? Ngalu had never seen a Banshee before but she's heard about them. They belonged to the Omatikaya and Tayrangi clans, they've never been seen around here. So this was incedibly weird, of course she had to take a closer look.

Those big animals looked amazing. Beautiful patterns and bright colours. She wondered what it would be like to fly. She's ridden a Skimwing before but they don't go as high as Banshees.

Once she got closer, she noticed her two siblings had already found their way into the crowd. What? Forest people? Here? Standing before her was a group of forest Na'vi, Omatikaya. It looked like a family.  Tsireya came walking up next to Ngalu while staring down one of the two boys who signed oel ngati kameie, which means I see you, to Aonung. The boy looked quite taken aback by Tsireya as well.

'Hey,' He greeted her, nodding his head slightly, while she just giggled. Ngalu rolled her eyes softly which made the other boy notice and chuckle. She met his eyes swiftly before her father, Tonowari, came flying in on his Skimwing.

They were asking uturu, a sanctuary for his family. "His" being Toruk Makto. Everybody knows the story of the rider of the last shadow. But, wherever he went, war followed him. They explained that he was done with war, he wanted his family to be safe. They would adapt to the Metkayina living conditions.

Suddenly, Tonowari held on to Ngalu's shoulders. 'My children, Aonung, Tsireya and Ngalu will teach you our ways.'

Excuse me, Ngalu thought, why me? They had three children, why would Ngalu be needed? She already noticed Aonung trying to protest but father cut him off. She wouldn't dare to protest the same. Besides, she couldn't help but feel a little exited for her new adventure. Was she good with teaching people? No, definitely not. But she was exited to learn more about the Omatikaya from this close. She could already see Tsireya's eyes glow with excitement. Ngalu knew Tsireya wouldn't be able to wait but she couldn't bear to start their lessons today. They've been traveling for quite some time as the forest is far away from here.

'Come, I will show you our village.' Tsireya smiled and waved for them to follow along.

Everybody followed the girl, the younger boy not letting her out of his sight and the older one laughing at it. Ngalu and Aonung walked behind the group. The youngest was hopping on their bouncy structure which made Ngalu giggle.

'Whoa, what is that?' The young one pointed at an Ilu swimming circles around a piece of coral. She walked closer to the animal. Her spiritful eyes shot up to Ngalu's, expecting her to explain. Which she did.

'That is an Ilu. You will learn to ride it later.' Ngalu smiled at her. 'I will teach you.' The young one's eyes gleamed with excitement.

'Really? You promise?' She ran up to Ngalu. Ngalu squatted to meet her eyes.

'I promise. Let's continue the tour.' She got up and continued following her sister and hearing her explain where everything was. Ngalu got bored, her sisters words all blurring together as she disassociated a bit.

Ngalu was more of an adventurous person, Tsireya liked the safe familliar. She wanted to feel comfortable. Ngalu on the other hand, she liked to seek the unexpected.

Suddenly, a smaller hand grabbed onto hers. She looked down and noticed the young girl holding onto hers. She was looking straight forward, listening to Tsireya thoroughly. Ngalu didn't let go of her hand during the rest of the tour.

A few Metkayina kids wandered off to take a closer look at their newcommers, but their parents pulled them back. All making up an excuse like ''they are demons, they don't belong here. You should stay away.'' Ngalu almost hissed at these distasteful comments. Remembering that they are her people, she did not. Besides, her parents would skin her if she did.

They finally, thank Eywa, made it to their final destination. The hut that they will be living in. 'This is nice, right?' Jake turned to his family. All of them looked annoyed and tired, they didn't respond.

'We will start your lessons tomorrow. Rest for now, please.' Ngalu told the family. Partly begging them to have a good night sleep so they won't be annoying tomorrow.

Nobody really said anything and the three siblings decided it was time to leave the Sully's alone. They needed to get used to their new home. Ngalu was the last to leave as Aonung saw Rotxo and Tsireya was called by their mother. As Ngalu was about to dive into the water, she felt footsteps coming closer towards her. She turned around and noticed one of the two boys that belonged to the Sully family. 'Can I help you?' She asked genuinely. She thought he needed something.

'No, not really. I'm just trying to make some friends.' He smiled brightly, making Ngalu raise an eyebrow at him. 'Okay, I was sent by my mother to ask about food.' He gave in, chuckling.

Ngalu couldn't help but to let out a chuckle as well. 'You could have just asked. I thought my sister already told you all about it. She kept talking for so long.' She might have overshared her boredome caused by her sister a little.

The boy laughed, showing his perfect smile. 'She wasn't that boring.' He convinced himself.

'You are only saying that because she is pretty.' Ngalu rolled her eyes and smiled.

'Yeah she is, but she doesn't even come close to you.' He let out, with a confident tone in his voice.

She did notice how he didn't backtrack, which intrigued her. 'About the food, my parents will probably bring you some tonight.' She changed the topic as there was no use to continue talking about her looks.

'Thanks. My mother did tell me to make some friends, to be fair.' He softly smiled. She looked into his big yellow eyes. They looked beautiful in contrast to his darker blue skin.

'Consider one made.' Ngalu smiled at him.

'Sully family meeting!' Jake yelled from their hut. As Ngalu shifted her eyes over to their hut, she noticed another boy's eyes glued to the both of them. She knew she felt someone watching them this whole time.

'I have to go,' He pointed to their hut. 'My name is-'

'Neteyam, get your ass in here!' Jake yelled once again.

'Well, that.' He chuckled.

As did Ngalu. 'Nice to meet you, Neteyam. If there is anything you need, feel free to ask.'

They both waved goodbye and parted their ways. One going into his cosy hut and the other jumping into the comfortable water.

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