chapter 30: fraud

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This morning was calm and comfortable. Ngalu's nose was red and frozen while she saw dew drops on the plants. She sea was soft, looking like it breathed every time the waves came to shore and retreated again. She was holding her knees, resting her head on them.

The sun was bright. Almost too bright for her to look into. She did anyways. She thought about it, such a beautiful thing being able to destroy so many other things.

Lo'ak was at his usual spot as well, on the other side of the beach leaning onto a wooden pole.

She looked incredible. The light bounced off of her skin, making it glow. She looked at ease. He thought about all of those things she told him earlier, about being alone in this world. Without a family to hold onto. He was lucky with his family, he would kill for them. But sometimes he'd feel alone too. She is the only one who truly understands him.

He resisted the urge to go and sit with her again. He wanted to admire at her from afar, seeing her be at peace with herself.

When the sun had fully risen she sighed, stood up and walked away.

Lo'ak kept looking at her until she left his sight.

She walked up to her father with a smile on her face. Many people had circled around him. As she slowly made her way up to him, she could see his face. He radiated sorrow. Ngalu frowned, wondering why he looked like that.

Then she heard the whispers.

Everybody was looking at her. She'd seen someone whisper something to someone else while the other one would gasp in shock and put their hand on their mouth.

Her heart sank. She started to quiver slightly. Her breathing picked up while her mouth fell open. Her knees felt like jelly. She couldn't believe it. She never thought this day would come.

The only thing she could think of, was to run. She ran until she couldn't anymore, falling to her knees in the sand while tears ran down her face. Many warm tears blurred her vision, she couldn't see anymore. Her breathing got worse, slowly but surely becoming hyperventilating. She grabbed the tree next to her to hold her up from falling entirely.

She didn't know what to do. They all knew. They all found out that Ngalu wasn't Tonowari's and she wasn't Ronals.

She wasn't anybody in this clan.

Her father tried to stand up for her, but the people were already talking. Wondering if she could ever become Olo'eyktan.

That was the plan anyways. She'd become Olo'eyktan once she was ready. She'd been training for a bit before the Sully's came into the picture. Her father gave her a break from training as she was already ahead of schedule.

That's the one thing Ngalu was so fixated on, becoming Olo'eyktan.

She didn't hear a lot about female Olo'eyktan. She knew only one. Ikeyni of the Tayrangi clan. Ngalu had looked up to her ever since she was small. She was a fierce female Olo'eyktan and that showed Ngalu possibilities. She wanted to show everyone that girls could do this too, not just guys.

Tonowari gave her permission to become Olo'eyktan as Aonung never showed interest in becoming it and gladly gave his future title away, being able to live his life as a carefree warrior.

While it was Ngalu who always wanted it.

But now she probably couldn't anymore. The people looked upon her as a liar. A fraud.

It would take years for her people to trust her again. She didn't have years.

Everything was spinning. Her mind was racing and she felt like she was about to faint. While she felt two hands grab her shoulder, yelling her name.

'Ngalu!' Lo'ak tried again. She looked numb. No sign of any emotion behind those big eyes. 'Ngalu, please.' Lo'ak's voice cracked, he hated seeing her hurting like this. He pulled her up, holding her cheeks with both of his hands.

She shot back to reality as she saw Lo'ak's face in front of her. He looked like he was in pain. Her eyes were bright red from crying while tears still ran down her face. 'They know.' Was the only thing she could say.

His eyes sank. 'What do you mean?' His tail fell flat behind him as his ears lowered. He knew how much this affected her. He knew how much she was hurting because of this.

'They all know!' She yelled, breaking down again.

Lo'ak pulled her into his arms, holding the back of her head while shushing her.

She moved her face into his neck, sobbing while he rubbed the back of her head with his thumb.

He felt like he could break down and cry as well, seeing how hurt she was. It was killing him.

How did this happen? Then, Lo'ak became angry. Realizing that the people couldn't just find out, someone had to have told them. Otherwise they would've never known.

He gritted his teeth while his breathing picked up.

He was about to murder someone.

When Ngalu calmed down a little, he tried talking to her.

'I need you to listen to me very carefully. Who told them?' He pulled out of the hug, holding her chin up so she could face him.

'I don't know.' She cried softly.

'Who did this to you?' He yelled, punching the tree next to them.

It made Ngalu jump a little. She'd never seen him quite this angry. No, screw that. He was furious. 'Let's go look for Neteyam.' He held onto her as tightly as he could, making their way over to his pod. Ngalu was still crying while Lo'ak gently placed her on his mat. Neteyam walked in and continued to comfort her as Lo'ak rushed over to the place where Ngalu just ran away from.

He found Tonowari calming the people down as they all started to speak over each other. 'Please, one at a time. I know you have your worries but please.' He tried to tell them.

'Shut up!' Lo'ak yelled while jumping on top of a structure, making all of the people face him. 'Which one of you morons did this to Ngalu? Tell me!' He demanded, looking around at all the faces. He noticed Tsireya crying while another male held her. 'Well? Are you all going to stand there and say nothing? You are all a bunch of pathetic idiots.' He jumped off of the structure and walked away as he didn't get his answer.

Tonowari looked at him with a shocked expression on his face. Something inside of him was proud of Lo'ak for coming up for his daughter. He didn't have to, yet he did. And he was thankful for that.

Ngalu was shivering in Lo'ak's arms. They were laying down on his mat. She stopped crying some time ago but she still felt empty. Her biggest secret had just been revealed. Her biggest dream would probably end in bits as the clan will never trust her again.

She explained to Lo'ak how she was supposed to become Olo'eyktan. He told her not to give up yet. But she already did the moment she heard those whispers.

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