chapter 36: clarification

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Ngalu and Lo'ak rode on their Ilu to the cove of the ancestors. Ngalu realized that Lo'ak never saw it before, thus taking him at eclipse.

He was in awe of the beauty of this place. It looked incredible. Ngalu stared at him with a smug look on her face while swimming over to the spirit tree.

Lo'ak sat on his Ilu next to her. 'Are you ready?' He asked her.

She wasn't sure if she was. This is a really big deal for her. She'd been dreading this her whole life. She was scared.

'Hey, hey. You're going to be fine.' Lo'ak could see the worry in her eyes. 'I'm right here with you.' He said, holding her hand.

Ngalu nodded as she dove down with Lo'ak following her. She grabbed her braid, her queue, and stayed very still for a moment. She was enjoying her moment of peace as she was unknowing of what would happen next. She turned her head to Lo'ak who had his eyes on her, watching her every move. Bubbles escaped her mouth as she quickly connected to the tree.

Colors and lights, that was all she saw. It was blurry for a few seconds. Then she found herself on the beach. This was an unfamiliar beach. She'd never seen it. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard a female voice call to her. 'Ngalu?' She turned her head back around and saw two Na'vi standing in front of her.

She felt like she knew them. It could only mean one thing. 'Mother?' She asked, uncertain.

'You have finally come to visit us!' She said, running up to Ngalu and taking her in her arms.

Ngalu smiled, holding her tightly. 'Hi.'

'You look beautiful.' Her mother told her as her father stepped in.

'You have grown so much.' He said, holding her as well.

Ngalu sighed after her father let her go. 'I have a few questions.' She told them.

'We understand.' Her mother nodded.

Ngalu cleared her throat before she started talking. 'What are your names?' She looked at both of her parents, seeming like strangers but had a familiar touch.

'My name is Eiutx and your mothers name is 'Aynat.' Her father started. 'I bet you are wondering what happened to us. We are sorry to tell you that we sadly passed away. We were traveling to a new clan, we moved around a lot. We were swimming on Ilu with your mother holding you. Suddenly, an Akula appeared and attacked us.'

'I saw your father being killed by that monstrous being. I tried to get away but I could not. I thought you died too, but you luckily survived. You luckily made your way to Ronal and Tonowari, Eywa knows how, safely. We are so sorry.' Her mother, 'Aynat, spoke gently while putting her hand on the back of Ngalu's head. 'I wish we had more time with you. You are such an amazing person and I am so proud of you.'

'I am sorry I never visited you. I was scared of what I would see.' Ngalu confessed, holding her mothers hand. 'But I am happy I did now.'

Lo'ak tried his best to stay underwater the whole time Ngalu was connected to the tree. He wanted to watch her every move, making sure that what happened to Kiri doesn't happen to her. He couldn't make up what she felt. Her expression was difficult to read. But if he was right and he trusted his eyes, he saw a small but noticeable smile on her face.

He couldn't take it any longer, he had to breathe. He was trying so hard to keep his heartbeat slowed down. He almost passed out as Ngalu's eyes opened again, seeing Lo'ak having difficulties with his breathing and swam up to the surface with him. He took a deep breath once he made it up. 'How was it?' He asked her, still a little out of breath.

'It was amazing. I saw my parents!' She explained excitedly. 'They are both dead though so that's a little sad. But they are amazing people and so sweet. I am so happy I did this. Thank you so much Lo'ak!' She flung towards him in the water and hugged him.

He smiled, putting his hand on the back of her head. He was so happy that she was happy.

Once they made it back, Ngalu told Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam and Kiri everything. How she was afraid at first but overcame her fear and just did it. She told them how amazing her parents are. How she plans on visiting them more often.

She was happy. Finally figuring out who she is, piece by piece.

Lo'ak and Ngalu were sitting a little bit further away from the fire as the rest of the family closely sat around it. It had been silent between the two for a few minutes. Ngalu faced Lo'ak and he immediately looked back at her. 'When are we going for a ride again?' Ngalu asked him eagerly.

'I mean, we could go right now.' He said while pointing at his mat with a smirk on his face.

She rolled her eyes and hit his arm slightly. 'Would you stop that?' She laughed. 'You know what I meant.'

Lo'ak chuckled. 'Yeah, we can go soon.'

Suddenly Tuk came jolting to the pair and sat down on Ngalu's lap. 'You two look cute together.' She blurted out.

Ngalu and Lo'ak faced each other, both laughing. Before, they would've said no or called her crazy. Now they just laugh.

Because they know it's true.

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