chapter 3: bioluminescent sea

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Sat at the bottom of the ocean, Ngalu looked around her to take her surroundings in. The sea became a whole different version of itself at night. Everything suddenly glowed in the dark. One of her favorite things is that every Na'vi's little freckles lit up at night. Rays of moonlight shone through the glassy water above her. The kelp moved along with the waves. Another thing she loved about the ocean, it is never still.

You could call her a true Metkayina, she loved the water and the reef more than anything. Ever since her parents found her, she was inseparable from the ocean. Every day consisted of being in the water, no matter what. And you also had days where she left the reef and swam out until she couldn't anymore. She never really listens to her parents when they tell her not to.

Things were different, they had Omatikaya people here now. It felt weird to her, she never really saw other clans before. They acted differently as well. But she only knew them for two days so she didn't want to judge them too early. However, she wasn't fond of the younger brother Lo'ak. He looked so annoyed everytime he looked her way. He was getting on her nerves.

The Sully's were sitting around the fire and having some food together. 'So, how was your day?' Jake asked no one in particular, hoping to finally get their kids to talk after a long and awkward silence.

'It was nice, until Kiri dissapeared.' Neteyam shot a look over at Kiri who looked angrily suprised.

'You idiots just didn't care to notice me leave.' She rolled her eyes.

Jake just looked confused. 'Hold up, what?' He immediately looked over at Lo'ak, the usual troublemaker.

Lo'ak rolled his eyes. 'It was nothing. We found her, didn't we? She couldn't be far anyways. She swims slower than Tuk.'

'Hey!' Tuk and Kiri yelled simultaniously. 'For your information, I can swim faster than you two skxawng!' Kiri yelled at her brothers and stuck her tongue out at him.

Neytiri was done with their bickering and hissed at the both of them. 'Stop it, you two.'

Kiri crossed her arms and turned her back to Lo'ak while he just looked down.

'Hello, I hope I am not interrupting anything.' Ngalu slowly walked into their hut, not wanting to startle anyone and everybody shot their eyes at her. Lo'ak mumbled something, probably something about Ngalu. But she didn't care to ask about it.

'Alu!' Tuk yelled and ran up to her.

Lo'ak looked annoyed again and turned his back to her while Neteyam grinned and walked up to the girl as Tuk did. Jake stood up straight immediately. 'No, of course not.' He said. 'Is there something wrong?'

Ngalu chuckled. 'No, I just wanted to take your children swimming. The ocean looks beautiful at night, I wanted to show you.' She looked past Jake and met eyes with an eager Neteyam.

'Let's do it!' Neteyam exclaimed.

'I bet it does look lovely.' Kiri slowly walked up to the girl as well. Ngalu noticed that she held back a little. She wasn't very talkative. She figured Kiri was shy so she didn't want to push anything and just let her be. She did notice how she slowly came to love the nature here.

'It really does, I like the sea better at night.' She told her. 'The bioluminescence is beautiful.'

'Yay!' Tuk yelled and ran up to a moody Lo'ak and pulled his arm. 'Are you coming?' She asked him.

He pulled his arm out of her not so strong grip. 'No, go without me'

'Please,' Tuk begged him. He didn't budge. 'Pretty, pretty please.' She looked at him with her big eyes and he finally gave in.

'Fine, but not too long. I'm tired.' He stood up as the little girl squeeked and pulled him off the ground.

'Alu, Lo'ak is coming too!' She yelled as she tried to run up to her, pulling on his arm. He didn't want to run so he just slowly made his way over to her while being pulled by a hyperactive kid. She didn't get very far with her running as Lo'ak is way stronger than her.

'Great.' She tried to lie to the kid and she believed her, but Lo'ak saw straight through her and looked at her dissaprovingly. She slightly rolled her eyes as she turned around. 'Let's go then.'

Tuk stopped after they took a few steps out of their hut and grabbed Ngalu's hand. Ngalu smiled to herself and Neteyam noticed. He looked at her smile and then at her hands. He smiled as well. 'Hey, I want to hold Ngalu's hand too.' He sped up to meet her pace and grabbed her hand. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, laughing.

She could hear Lo'ak sighing next to her. That was it, the last drop. She stopped walking and shot around to meet his eyes. Neteyam watched her with a confused look on his face. Lo'ak looked surprised, he didn't think she'd noticed. 'Okay, what is your problem with me? You have been so dissaproving of me. I did not even do anything wrong.' She hissed at him. Neteyam pulled Tuk aside to let them have some privacy because Neteyam noticed that he was acting up as well. He wanted to know why.

'What the hell do you think?' He shot back.

'Would I be asking you if I knew?' She yelled.

'I left my people behind, my family, my home. Do you think I'm happy with that? Am I not allowed to be angry or sad?' He yelled back.

'But why project it onto me? I have done nothing.' She walked closer to him.

He didn't know what to say. Well, he knew exactly what to say.

He was jealous. He was jealous that every one of his siblings had forgotten about their home. They could have fun here while the only thing Lo'ak could think about was their home. The people they left behind. And of course Neteyam, the golden child, found a potential mate. She was perfect, the daughter of Olo'eyktan and she was good with the people. He could never find someone as perfect as her.

But he couldn't say all of this.

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