chapter 14: no peeking

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Ngalu slowly opened her eyes as the bright sun hit her in her face. It was late, later than she would usually wake up. She sat up straight, stretching out. She couldn't really sleep last night. She kept thinking about her moment with Lo'ak. She wondered what he was thinking about.

Lo'ak carefully peeked his head around the corner. It shocked Ngalu, she let out a yelp before throwing the closest thing she could find, a wooden bowl placed next to her.

'Hey!' He yelled, quickly dodging the object thrown at him. 'What was that for?' He asked her, walking into her pod.

'You shouldn't have scared me!' She said, catching her breath. She looked back up at the boy, barely able to make eye contact. While he was very good at maintaining it. 'What are you doing here anyways?' She asked him, yawning.

His facial expression was complex. 'Shouldn't you be awake already?' He asked, avoiding her question a bit. He remembered their fight on the beach very well, it was really early that day.

'I could not sleep well last night.' She confessed, not telling him the reason why. He already knew what she was talking about, he was experiencing the exact same thing.

He could tell she was a bit embarrassed so he tried to comfort her. 'Me neither.' It wasn't a lie, he couldn't sleep for the life of him.

He made a promise to himself; to distance himself from her to avoid him getting too close. He didn't want to get sucked in too deep. But there he was, breaking his one and only rule. First thing in the morning and he was already inside of her pod.

She was surprised by his answer. She didn't think he would say the same thing. 'Care to answer my question now?' She asked him, standing up and folding her arms.

'You told me that you would help me yesterday. I thought the offer was still standing.' He quietly shifted on his feet.

She couldn't help but smirk a little at his restlessness. 'Of course.' She walked up to him. 'Let me change and then we can go.' She grabbed his shoulders, his ears twitching and his tail smoothly moving from side to side. Ngalu noticed and bit her bottom lip, trying not to laugh. She turned him around. 'No peeking.'

He looked unsure, nodding firmly. His eyes were watching everything and nothing at the same time. Outside there were some children on Ilus playing with a seashell, people were fishing and he could see his father building a sandcastle with his mother and little sister Tuk. He tried to focus on anything but the girl behind him.

'Ready.' Ngalu said, indicating he could turn around again. As he turned around, he couldn't help but gawk at the girl in front of him. In his mind, of course. He had an amazing poker-face he thought. Ngalu didn't really look at him, luckily for him because his poker-face sucked. He was looking at her from bottom to top and back to bottom again. He scanned her about three times before he got back to his senses.

Meanwhile, Ngalu was trying to put her hair in a ponytail. Lo'ak saw and smirked. 'Yours will never look as good as mine.' He joked.

Ngalu's eyes shot up to his. 'Of course not.' She chuckled.

Lo'ak loved that sound, but it felt even better knowing he caused it.

What was she doing to him?

'Let's go.' She told him, jumping out of her pod with Lo'ak following her. Jake noticed, Tuk was luckily too busy to perfect her sandcastle. She would've ran right up to them if she'd seen them. Jake shot Neytiri a look and she moved her head towards the two as well, pulling her hand up to her mouth as she snickered. Jake saw Lo'ak look at Ngalu, it was the same look Jake had when he first met Neytiri.

The two of them passed the Sully's hut. Neteyam was inside, eating some breakfast. He noticed Lo'ak and Ngalu and jumped out. 'Hey, where are you two going?' He asked them.

Stopping in her tracks, Ngalu turned around to smile at the boy in front of her. 'Good morning to you too, Teyam.'

Neteyam shot her a smile back. 'Good morning, Alu.' He said. Lo'ak looked at the two, mostly at Ngalu. She was shaking her head with a crooked smirk on her face.

'I'm giving Lo'ak a private lesson in breathing, but you are more than welcome to join us.' She told him. Of course he was going to come with them, he wasn't an idiot. Lo'ak cursed to himself in his head, why did she have to ask him to tag along? Now he had to watch them be all cute and flirty with each other.

'I would love to.' Neteyam said sweetly, making Lo'ak gag in his head. He walked up to Ngalu and put an arm around her. She laughed it off. They walked like that for the remainder of the walk to the water. Lo'ak wanted to roll his eyes so bad, but he couldn't show what it did to him.

Once they were about to jump into the water, Tsireya showed up beside them. 'Hey guys, what are you doing?' Lo'ak thanked Eywa that she was there.

'Ngalu is going to give us another lesson on breathing.' Lo'ak told Tsireya, knowing she would invite herself to this little party.

'Great! I wanted to continue the lessons today anyway. I'll go find Kiri!' She hopped off, searching for Kiri.

'Breathe in.... and breathe out.' Tsireya said while doing what she just explained while the rest joined her. The six of them were sat in a circle on a rock. Tsireya found Kiri with Rotxo, they were playing around with their Ilus. He decided to join as well. 'Imagine flickering a flame.' Tsireya explained as she held up her hand, indicating the flame was inside of it.

'You must slow down your heartbeat.' Ngalu added. Lo'ak sat next to her. She put one of her hands on his lower stomach and the other one on his chest. 'Breathe in,' He did as she said. 'Breathe out. You must breathe from down here.' She put a little pressure on his stomach. He tried to do as she said, he took a deep breath in. While he breathed out, his eyes focused on the girl in front of him. He realized how close she was. He felt her hands on him. Lo'ak hated himself for enjoying this. 'Lo'ak, your heartbeat is fast.' She looked up at him with her big eyes.

'Sorry.' He said, looking away from her again.

'Try to focus.' She told him.

'Okay.' He nodded slightly, trying it again.

'Breathe in and breathe out.' She helped him.

Neteyam noticed the way Lo'ak looked at her, he was confused. He didn't know why he did that. He knew Lo'ak hated her more than anything. But he'd never seen him look at another person the way he just did.

Tsireya looked at the two of them as well, wondering what she was doing. She was helping him while she didn't care if he was dead a few days ago when he was missing. It should've been her helping him, she thought. She wanted him to look at her the way he looked at Ngalu.

Kiri looked very surprised, she was practically in shock. The two of them hated each other, like actually hated each other. They literally wanted to kill each other before. Now they were suddenly okay? They seemed close? A little bit of her felt proud of herself, knowing it was because of her that they were okay with each other. She was the one to make them talk yesterday, after all

'Let your mind go clear.'

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