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She prayed that Eywa was on her side today. The storm was getting bigger and bigger. Of course she had to disobey her father earlier today. Luck was never on her side. She couldn't help but think that Eywa was mad at her and was sending her a warning. Ngalu was far beyond the reefs edge. The waves were getting bigger and bigger. Her Ilu was trying the best she could to get her out of here and back to the main land.

'I get it!' She yelled to herself. 'I should not have left. But please, get this over with!' She was hoping Eywa would hear her. She would usually listen to what Ngalu had to say. But today didn't seem like any other day.

It took her a few hours to get back, it was almost eclipse. But Eywa had sort of listened, there was less wind the last few moments she had to swim. The whole clan was out looking for the girl. She was always so eager to leave the reef. There was just so much more to be explored!

She was about to be murdered by her mother and everybody in the village would see. She already face palmed herself in her mind getting ready for the embarrassment she was about to face. Her mother would scold and scream at her while the whole village would be silently watching. Besides, Ronal was never the type of person to be calm in an argument. Especially not when it comes to Ngalu. She was special, she was a ''gift from Eywa'' as they call her.

When Ngalu was just a baby, she washed ashore. Ronal and Tonowari found her and surprisingly, she was unharmed. At that time, Ronal and Tonowari already had a son. They always wanted a daughter and here she was, floating around in the ocean and simply finding her way over to the pair.

They try to let her free as much as possible but they are always very strict when it comes to her. They don't want anything to happen to her. Today was probably an extremely stressful day for them.

Ngalu tried her best to sneak back into their marui pod without anyone noticing so she could get yelled at in private. But some lovely townspeople already yelled her name. She didn't even have the time to fully pronounce Eywa, her parents both flew in on their skimwings within seconds of hearing that their daughter had returned back to the surface.

'Ngalu! Have you gone insane?' Ronal already ran up to her with Tonowari following her.

'Can we please not do this now?' Ngalu tried to get herself out of this to hopefully get her ass kicked in private, but Ronal continued.

'Have you lost your goddamn mind? Your father told you not to leave because of the storm. Of course you did not listen. Have you learned nothing?' She rambled on as Tonowari was checking her for injuries.

She just kept screaming at her until it was finally eclipse. 'I hope you learned from this. You must thank Eywa that you are still alive!'

'Alright mother, can I go now?'

Ronal still looked furious but decided to let this one slide. She shot one last look at her disobedient daughter.


'.' (go) Ronal rubbed her temples and grabbed Tonowaris arm.

Ngalu ran off, back to their pod and Ronal and Tonowari watched her leave. 'She will be okay, she can look after herself. And Eywa is on her side, remember?' Tonowari pulled Ronal into his arms and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Meanwhile, Tsireya and Aonung walked into the pod. 'Seriously, Ngalu?' She knew Tsireya would not have approved and she was right. She absolutely did not. She was scared for her sister. She could have died. Not only because of the storm but also by moms ass whipping. 'You cannot keep doing things like this. We were all scared for our lives.'

'I was not.' Aonung laid down on the floor while putting his arms behind his head to show utter relaxation.

'Shut up, you were pissing your pants. You litterally thought she died when you heard the horn.' Tsireya looked at her older brother with an unamused look on her face and a raised eyebrow.

Ngalu couldn't help but to chuckle. 'Ahw, you care so much about me. You are so cute.' She winked at him playfully and he rolled his eyes.

'Whatever.' He stood up and walked out of the pod.

Tsireya and Ngalu burst out with laughter. Their brother wasn't the best at showing his emotions. But when he did, it was hilarious.

Then, Tsireya stopped. 'No but seriously, you could have died. Promise me you will not do it again? I cannot imagine a life without my big sister.'

Ngalu sighed. 'Alright, I promise.' She pulled her little sister into a hug.

She knew that that promise most definitely would be broken, but she didn't have the heart to tell her sister otherwise.

Making Waves | lo'ak sullyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα