chapter 9: trust

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While stomping out of the Sully's hut, Ngalu met with a familiar figure. She was sitting alone on the beach. It was almost eclipse. What was she doing out here all alone? Ngalu figured the only right thing to do right now, was to sit down next to her.

And she did, she sat down next to her. She was a little startled, Ngalu was the last person she'd expected to sit next to her. Ngalu was a little surprised as well.

After a comforting silence, Ngalu thought it was time to speak up. 'Are you okay?'

The woman next to her faced her. Neytiri wasn't a woman who talks about her feelings all of the time. She makes them clear, yes, but she doesn't really talk about them. Only to Jake and her children that is. She never really likes outsiders. But considering she was the outsider here and Ngalu had this strange comforting presence, Neytiri trusted her for some reason. 'Not really.'

Ngalu tilted her head to the side. 'How come? Do you not like your new home? I can arrange you a different pod if you would like that.' She tried to help her. But Neytiri shook her head.

'It is not that, the hut is fine. I-' She hesitated before telling her. Was she about to trust this girl she didn't know? But she needed to get these things off her chest, she couldn't tell her children and she didn't want to burden Jake with it. Ngalu was her only option. She sighed. 'I miss my home.' Neytiri blurted out.

Ngalu's confused eyes now softened. She understood her completely. It must feel terrible to leave the place you've grown up in. The only place you know. If Ngalu was forced to leave the reef she wouldn't know what she would do. 'Could you tell me about the forest? What is it like? I have never been there.'

Neytiri's eyes lit up. She loved the forest with every piece of her heart. Everything she had was there. She wanted to do her best at explaining it to Ngalu, making sure to explain every detail to do it justice. So, she put on her storytelling voice that she used to tell her children stories with when they were younger. 'It is the most beautiful thing you will ever see. Big trees towered above the forest. It looked best when it was night. The forest would light up in all sorts of colors. I loved dinner time the most, sitting around with my people and eating food while being kept warm by the fire. I met Jake in the forest. We raised our children in the forest. Many people I love have died in that forest.'

The conversation took a dark turn Ngalu didn't expect. She thought Neytiri would be happy to talk about the forest. Then those memories flooded back and she got sad again. Ngalu wanted to help her so bad. 'I am so sorry you had to leave, it sounds amazing. I understand what you feel, how much you miss it. But I am sure that you will go back sometime. Maybe you could take me with you once, to see the forest with my own eyes.' She joked.

Neytiri smiled. She was such a sweet girl, Ngalu. She's trying her best to help her feel better and it worked. 'Deal,' Neytiri nodded.

It did seem weird, though. A forest Na'vi on the beach? Okay that sounds doable. But a reef Na'vi in the forest? That's just plain weird. But nonetheless, Neytiri agreed to take her with them.

Ngalu was speeding to a rock underwater, feeling as free as ever. The ocean tends to bring that out of her. She was supposed to go swimming with Neteyam and Lo'ak but Lo'ak decided that he didn't see the fun in joining them anymore, showing that his hate for Ngalu was back. So now she's alone with Neteyam. She didn't understand Lo'ak one bit. First he's slightly okay with her and then he hates her guts. His mood swings are giving her a whiplash.

The two of them jumped on the rock and sat down on it for a while, watching the sunset. 'This never fails to amaze me.' Neteyam was in awe of the sight before him. He thought sunsets at home were beautiful, calling it beautiful here in the reefs would be an understatement.

Ngalu shifted her head to his, watching him. She smiled at his face. It was like he was in a trance. 'If you could only see your face right now.' She laughed.

Neteyam turned his head as well. 'Very funny.' He sarcastically said. He watched as Ngalu smiled to herself, tilting her head slightly down before watching the sky in front of her again. He kept his eyes on hers. They were glistening, reflecting the shades of purple in the sky. She's lived here all her life and she was still gasping at the night sky. 'You should see your face.' He laughed while having a smug look on his face.

She quickly turned back to him. 'Shut up!' She chuckled, pushing his shoulder, making him rock back a little. 'The sunrises are better, though.' She exclaimed while she watched his eyes study her face.

He was watching her deeply, wanting to see what she felt. Trying to guess what she was feeling right at this moment.

His eyes shifted to her lips, forming a slight, crooked smirk. 'What?' She asked him. 'Is there something on my face?' She chuckled.

He smiled. 'Yes, right here.' Ngalu was surprised, showing it on her face. She didn't think there was actually something on her face. He was was about to point at it, as he took two fingers and pushed her forehead back.

'Hey!' She yelled, seeing Neteyam dying of his own joke. She had an idea. He was laughing so hard, he didn't realize he was close to the edge of the rock. With a slight push, Ngalu proceeded to push Neteyam into the water. He yelped before meeting the surface of the water which made Ngalu almost break her knees, dropping to the ground while laughing.

'Where were you?' Lo'ak asked Neteyam immediately when he walked into their tent.

Neteyam looked at him questionably. 'I was out swimming?' Neteyam looked confused, he thought Lo'ak knew where he was.

'Who were you with?' Lo'ak asked with a blank face.

What is this? An interrogation? 'With Ngalu?' He answered, still confused as to why he's asking all of these questions.

'You two seem to be getting close.' Jake stood in the corner of the hut, doing something with some cloths. Neteyam couldn't see him before he spoke. He caught him off guard. Jake turned around with a smirk on his face.

'I suppose.' Neteyam couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of it.

Lo'ak noticed and scoffed while he shook his head. 'Unbelievable,' He immediately walked out of their warm hut.

Neteyam was left with confusion, thinking about why he was mad. He couldn't find an answer and decided to follow him. 'Bro, wait!' He yelled. He didn't stop walking. 'Lo'ak wait goddamnit!' He yelled louder. Now he stopped and turned around, waiting for Neteyam to speak. 'What's wrong with you?' He asked.

All Lo'ak could do was stare at him. What did he mean "what's wrong with you"? He knew exactly how Lo'ak felt. How could he not realize.

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