chapter 39: dreaming

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Dinner was a shitshow. Everyone was as awkward as can be and Ngalu still refused to sleep in Tonowari and Ronals pod with Tsireya and Aonung. She sat in silence, watching the waves roll by. A warm rock beneath her as she was seated, staring in front of her. Her mind was blank. But it was peaceful. She needed a moment with herself. It was already dark out. Everybody was probably waiting for her return to finally go to sleep.

She sighed as she dove back into the water and swam back to the main land.

Her hair was damp as she made it to the Sully's pod. Everybody was asleep already. She slowly and softly made her way over to her mat to find Lo'ak sitting on it, wide awake at that. 'Lo'ak? Why are you up so late?' She asked while putting her hair in a ponytail.

Lo'ak had been wearing his in a ponytail again right after Ngalu told him she liked his hair better that way a while ago. 'I could ask you the same thing.' He said, crossing his arms.

'I was watching the waves.' She told him as she pointed behind her. A confused expression crept up on her face as she took off her neckpiece. 'Have you been waiting for me?' She hesitantly asked while she turned around.

He scoffed. 'What the hell do you think?' It was silent for a couple of seconds. In Ngalu's head, she thought the answer would obviously be no. 'Of course I was.' Lo'ak surprised Ngalu with his words.

'Why?' She asked him.

'Because you're the only reason I can sleep at night. Now get in here.' He said, pulling her arm down to lay next to him. She shifted over to her side, her back facing Lo'ak. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, his face buried in her neck as he breathed in her scent.

She felt at ease in his presence. His arms around her made her feel safe. It was like he was a wall that would protect her from all kinds of danger. His hold just felt so natural, like she was meant to be in his arms all along. They melted together like they were one. Like two pieces of a puzzle, a perfect fit. 'Are you going to watch the sunrise with me tomorrow?' She softly whispered.

'Of course.' He said, moving a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear.

Both of them fell into a deep sleep with a smile plastered on their face.

'Lo'ak, I swear to Eywa. If you don't wake up right now,' Ngalu tried to shake him awake but he just wouldn't open his eyes. She decided to use a different method. She jumped on top of him and just as she was about to slap him, his eyes shot open. 'Of course you wake up now.' She rolled her eyes.

'I'm not complaining. I love the view.' He said, shooting her a wink.

She grunted as she jumped off of him. 'Come on, it's almost sunrise!' She yelled, pulling him up.

'Okay okay, calm down.' He chuckled as he grabbed a piece of cloth to wrap around them later and walked out of the pod with Ngalu.

They sat down on her favorite spot again as Lo'ak grabbed the cloth and wrapped it around them, smoothly letting his arm rest on Ngalu's shoulders. Ngalu knew what he was doing and she was laughing in her head. Idiot. 'So, what do you want to do today?' Ngalu asked the boy.

He wanted to give an incredibly immature response to that. But he kept it to himself. 'I don't know. What about you?' He faced her.

Her lips moved from one side to another. 'I've already visited Payakan yesterday and Byrel is keeping him company so probably not that. Oh, Byrel is so into Payakan it's crazy.' Ngalu laughed as she turned her head to Lo'ak.

'Oh thank Eywa, Payakan is so in love with her. It physically hurts to listen to him talk about her all day.' Lo'ak said in a relieved way.

'Oh my Eywa!' Ngalu screeched, making Lo'ak's ears twitch. 'That's so cute. I hope they get together.'

'How does that work with Tulkun?' Lo'ak asked her.

'Just like with Na'vi.'

Lo'ak hummed, nodding as his eyes moved back to the sunrise. Were they going to address what almost happened yesterday or are they going to pretend like it didn't? Lo'ak was deep in his thoughts, wondering what Ngalu was thinking.

Ngalu's only thought was the fact that she was craving his lips right now. She wanted, no, needed to kiss him. She was silent. She remembered her dream last night.

'Lo'ak, what are you doing?'

'Shush.' He placed his finger on her lips while inching his head closer. 'I know you want it.'

Before she could respond, Lo'ak's lips crashed into hers.

Then she woke up.

She was so frustrated. The moment replayed over and over in her head. Why did she dream of him? Why does she want him? Why was Lo'ak right? She wanted to bang her head against a tree to forget her dream. But his stupid smile and stupid gorgeous face make her crave him even more.

Lo'ak's flirty side came forward once he was with her. She loved it. She hadn't met "flirty Lo'ak" yet before and now he's the only person she wants to see. All of him makes her feel things but flirty Lo'ak just makes her swoon in a different way.

She didn't really realize she was staring at him for the past three minutes though. 'Are you good? I mean, not that I mind.' Lo'ak asked her.

Ngalu's eyes shot open as she quickly turned away, thinking about her dream again while her cheeks turned red. 'Yes, I am.'

He raised an eyebrow while smirking. 'What were you dreaming about last night? You called my name.'

That's it. Ngalu stood up while pulling Lo'ak with her.

'Hey, what are you doing?' She didn't reply to him as she pulled him along.

They made it to the pretty tree again. Lo'ak loved it. Yesterday was amazing here and he couldn't get it out of his head. But he was wondering what she was doing back here again.

She looked around, making sure nobody saw them. She pushed him and herself behind the vines that were hanging from the tree.

What the hell is she doing?

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