chapter 17: bubbles

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She was sitting on the beach again, this time she was finally on time to look at the gorgeous sunset once again.

He was looking at her from a distance. He couldn't get close to her, but that didn't mean he couldn't admire her from afar. He didn't know what it was, she had it all. The looks, the personality, everything. He liked that she had a sharp tongue, not afraid to put him in his place. Keep him in check.

He can't keep thinking about her. She found a comfortable place in his mind and decided to stay there. She was there all through the night and Lo'ak hated every single bit of it. He was supposed to think about Tsireya, who very kindly offered to teach him more about the wildlife in the water.

Ngalu's mind was filled with Lo'ak and Lo'ak only. She was unsure. Why did he ignore her all of a sudden? Did he decide to hate her again after their moment the other day. It would hurt her. She laid herself bare that day. Not with her words, but with her eyes. She didn't understand.

A warm hand held her shoulder. She looked up immediately. A smile formed on her face. 'You are up early.' She said while this certain boy sat down next to her.

He looked at her. 'Well, a very special girl told me the sunrises are beautiful here. So, here I am.' A smile formed on his lips, baring his perfect teeth.

Ngalu could feel her cheeks heating up. She bit her lip to prevent a smile from showing. 'Oh, and who is this "very special girl" huh?' She quoted him, teasing him a bit. 'Do I know her?' She smirked slyly.

'You do. Very well actually.' He played along. She moved her head back to the sunset as Neteyam did the same, smiling to himself. 'She was right, this is beautiful.'

She chuckled. 'She has good taste.'

'Yeah, your mom is amazing.'

Ngalu's eyes grew wide as she slowly turned her head to face him. She shook her head and laughed at the boy next to her while rolling her eyes, looking away from him again. 'I hate you.'

'No you don't.' He raised an eyebrow, smiling playfully.

Lo'ak saw every second of this little moment. He couldn't help but feel sad and angry, sad that it was not him sitting next to her right now, and angry that he felt this way. His eyes were glued to the couple, not being able to take them off of them. Why couldn't he get her off of his mind.

This was enough torture for this morning he thought to himself, trying to turn around and make his way back to his pod as Ngalu noticed him. She turned her head to him. Not saying a word to Neteyam, she stood up and ran after him. 'Lo'ak, wait!' Leaving Neteyam alone with a confused expression on his face.

Shit. He stopped walking, slowly turning around to face her. Even this was too close. 'What's up?'

She raised an eyebrow, not knowing what he meant by that. She shook it off. 'How have you been? We have not spoken to each other in a while. How's your breathing?' She said. Anything to keep the conversation going.

She shocked him with all of those questions. Slightly nodding, he answered them. 'Good, Tsireya is an amazing teacher.' His lips formed a line.

She was insecure. She wanted him to feel good. Happy. She didn't care if that was with Tsireya or with her. 'You have been spending an awful lot of time with Tsireya.' She blurted out, not thinking before she spoke. She wanted to slap her hand on her mouth but that would've made it too obvious.

Lo'ak looked at her with a puzzled expression. Why did she care? 'Yeah, you could say we're close.' He tried to rub it in a little, seeing where he could get.

Her heart sank. He would never say something like that about her. She asked herself the one question everyone kept asking themselves; why did she care so much? Why was she so bothered by this? She literally couldn't figure out a single reason, a single explanation for this. 'That is great, I am happy that you are finally starting to like it here.' She plastered on a fake smile, trying to convince him.

Which she did. His ears dropped unnoticeably while there was visible disappointment in his eyes. Ngalu couldn't meet his eyes, luckily for him. She wouldn't be able to see the letdown in them. It seemed like it bugged her so much that he spent so much time with someone else, yet her words say something else.

Neteyam and Lo'ak were both busy sharpening their tools. They both watched Tuk and Ngalu from the corner of their eye. They were playing in the water, feeding their Ilus as Tuk tried to learn it some tricks. At one point, she tried to make hers do a backflip. She was mad that she didn't do it, refusing to give it any more fish as she turned her back to it and crossed her little arms. Ngalu had to hold in her laughter and almost failed, making Neteyam smile at himself and Lo'ak facepalm in his head.

Tuk gave in after a few minutes, either way. She said she couldn't refuse those big eyes. So she continued to feed it. She'd called her Ilu "Bubbles".

Lo'ak's eyes shifted to Neteyam, smiling like a crazy person. He thought that if she saw Neteyam right now, she would run away and never look back. Even so, he seemed so into her. She was so good with children, especially Tuk. At dinner time she would ramble on about how amazing "Alu" is and how she was so happy to be best friends with her.

Everybody always agreed with her, saying that they're happy they've met such a wonderful person.

Only Lo'ak sat there in silence.

Making Waves | lo'ak sullyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें