chapter 29: make-fun-of-lo'ak-day

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'She would only call him Neyeyam, she couldn't pronounce his name!' Neytiri snickered while looking at Tuk laughing at herself. Ngalu smiled, calling Neteyam "Neyeyam" while he pushed her shoulder.

Ngalu was having dinner with the Sully's again. This became a regular thing for them. She'd be with their children all day anyway so whenever she stepped foot into their pod, either Jake or Neytiri demanded her to join them for dinner.

It became one of her favorite parts of the day, to be honest. She loved hearing all of their baby stories. She also found out they had a human friend, Spider. She found it quite an unusual name. She'd ask them why they knew so much Sky People and they told her that Jake was one before he became Na'vi. She found his story so interesting.

It was like he told the story of how he met Neytiri about a hundred times. She'd always want to hear it over and over again. She thought it was so cute, how Neytiri wanted to kill him but got a sign from Eywa. Ngalu loved how he gave everything up just to be with her. It made her wonder things. Like if she'd ever get one of those signs indicating if somebody is her person.

Neytiri is definitely Jakes person. The way he looks at her is everything. Ngalu always swooned when she caught Jake staring at Neytiri while she wasn't looking.

Little did she know, Lo'ak would always glance at her from across the pod. He'd get annoyed by how many times his father has told the story of how his parents met, but he would melt at Ngalu's admiring face. She just looked so cute with those big eyes.

Neteyam would always look at the both of them through the corner of his eye. He'd slightly and unnoticeably smirk to himself. He would also laugh when Lo'ak got annoyed by his and Ngalu's closeness. They'd laugh with each other and Lo'ak would stare at him like he was about to scoop his eyeballs out.

'No! I wanted the biggest piece!' Lo'ak whined as Neytiri handed Ngalu her food.

'Stop complaining. Be happy you have food.' She hissed, turning her head back to Ngalu and smiling at her.

Ngalu chuckled. 'Yeah. What are you, like eight? No offense, Tuk.' She slightly turned her head to Tuk.

'None taken.' Tuk calmly said, not looking up from her food and devouring it seconds later.

Lo'ak laughed sarcastically and faced Ngalu. 'Is it "make-fun-of-Lo'ak" day today or something?' He said, taking a bite of his food.

'To me, it's always make fun of Lo'ak day!' Ngalu yelled, looking pleased with her joke.

Kiri couldn't hold it in anymore. She had held her laugh in for the past minute, watching these two idiots bicker. But now she let out a large laugh. 'You sound like a married couple!' She yelled, slamming her hand on the floor.

Both of them looked at her with their eyes and mouth opened wide. 'You can't joke about that, Kiri. Don't speak this terrible idea into existence!' She gasps, looking at Lo'ak.

Lo'ak rolled his eyes. 'I would be a lovely mate. You, on the other hand?' He said, raising and eyebrow and looking her up and down.

'You make me want to throw up, think about that.' Ngalu told him calmly.

'Thanks, I guess.' Lo'ak thought deeply to himself, figuring out what exactly he could've responded to that. 'Wait, what?'

Everybody else laughed, making Lo'ak and Ngalu jump a little. They forgot there were other people around. It felt like the two of them were alone.

Both Ngalu and Lo'ak awkwardly smiled while sometimes glancing at each other when the other person wasn't looking.

Lo'ak is a big fat raging liar. The biggest liar he'd ever known. He was trying to convince Neteyam and himself that he wasn't into Ngalu.

'Stop bro, I don't like her. I could never like her.' He lied to himself. He really did believe this to be true but on the other hand, there was doubt in his voice. 'Besides, I thought you were with her.'

Neteyam laughed. 'No bro, we're just friends.'

What? They were just friends? How didn't he know. Lo'ak thought that the both of them were really into each other. Like love and shit. But apparently they aren't. Why did Lo'ak's heart skip a beat when he said that? He doesn't like her.

Neteyam did tell his family that Ngalu and him are just friends. He noticed that now. He feels so much better, realizing that they would never be a couple. They were just blinded by the idea of love, thinking it was easy with each other. Ngalu craved love while Neteyam could give her all the love in the world. But not that kind of love.

Lo'ak on the other hand, he craves love too. He's attention and affection starved. His father would scold him all the time while he messed things up. Like with Payakan, he was so mad. He called him a disappointment. He said that he brought shame to this family. He loved his father, all he wanted to do was to live up to him. Be like his father. But his father didn't seem too appreciative. He knew he meant well and he just wanted to keep him safe, but it did hurt him a little.

In the meantime, Tsireya was talking about Lo'ak to Ngalu. 'Stop it, he's really cute!' Tsireya disagreed with her sister who called Lo'ak an "ugly troll".

'You might think that, I certainly do not.' Ngalu crossed her arms.

Tsireya sighed. Her and Neteyam were trying to get them to admit that they like each other. But, they aren't succeeding in it. The both of them are too stubborn for their own good.

It was obvious they liked each other. So freaking obvious.

'Come on, it's obvious you two like each other.' Tsireya raised an eyebrow.

Ngalu's eyes shot open. 'What are you talking about? Certainly not. Have you lost your mind? Lo'ak is all yours, trust me.' Ngalu was so busy living this lie that she actually started to slightly believe herself. While she knows all of this was just her hiding behind the fact that Tsireya wanted Lo'ak and the other way around.

'Lo'ak and I aren't anything like that. He can't give me what I want. He's not the person I want. Besides, I've met someone else.' Tsireya started to blush, thinking about her last encounter with a Na'vi called Ohaye. He was so handsome and a real gentleman. Tsireya couldn't get him out of her mind. He showed her so much affection.

Ngalu's eyes grew even wider. 'What? Why didn't you tell me? What's his name?' She asked, very interested all of a sudden.

Tsireya raised an eyebrow. 'I'll tell you,' Ngalu smiled, making herself comfortable to hear all about this Na'vi. 'But only if you admit that you like Lo'ak.'

She grunted while throwing her head back. 'Really, Reya?' Ngalu asked, holding her forehead.

'Really.' Tsireya said, crossing her arms.

'I don't like Lo'ak.' Liar, liar, liar. She kept repeating the word inside of her head. She was full on lying to her.

Truth be told, she wasn't sure. She knew that he made her feel things. Weird, unexplainable, comfortable, feeling like she has to throw up from excitement every time she sees him, making her heart beat fast every time she thinks about him, nice things.

But she didn't want to believe it.

She was actually in love with the person she hated the most.

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