chapter 41: captured

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How could he? The one question that Ngalu kept repeating in her head. She felt betrayed. He should've told her. It made her wonder, what else didn't she know about him? If he told her earlier, she'd understand and comfort him. It must feel terrible to be hunted down by the Sky People and flee your home to escape them. But she didn't feel any sympathy right now. She only felt anger. Pure anger. They promised. They promised that they were done with war.

Ngalu had never been to war. She was so scared. Scared for the people around her, knowing many will die during the battle that will occur. She didn't want to think about it.

Speeding thought the water, she was on her way to meet Payakan and Beryl as she turned around and saw Lo'ak and everybody else follow her. Neteyam, Tsireya, Aonung, Rotxo, Kiri and even little Tuk behind him. Ngalu grunted, not wanting to deal with any of them right now. She was focused on getting to Payakan and Beryl before it was too late.

As she reached Payakan, she noticed Byrel circling him with worry in her voice. Ngalu frowned, asking Byrel what was wrong. As the Tulkun moved past Payakan, Ngalu saw Payakan's back. He had the mark of death, the red object. It was inside of him. 'Shit!' Ngalu yelled, jumping off of her Ilu and she started pulling on it.

Lo'ak reached her as a worried look took over on his face. 'Shit!' He yelled as well, as he helped Ngalu pull the object out.

All of the others joined in as Lo'ak saw a large ship come in. The Sky People. 'You have to call it in. Go. Now!' Neteyam yelled at his brother. He nodded and told his dad with his talking device.

Ngalu went silent for merely a few seconds. She knew what was going to happen. People will die. This was going to end in a bloodbath.

They started pulling on the red object as Neteyam tied a rope around it as well as around the saddle of his Ilu, jumping on and finally getting it out of him while swimming away as the others helped pull. 'Go that way! I'll draw them out.' Neteyam told them as he dove underwater with his Ilu, swimming off.

Ngalu swam the other way with the rest of the kids following her. Lo'ak told Payakan to dive under and as he did, Lo'ak swam after Ngalu too. They all took their Ilus and raced off, trying to get away from the demon ship.

Ngalu held out her arm, indicating that everyone had to stop. She looked above her, seeing boats circle them. They rode off as the kids stayed still underwater, hoping they wouldn't get caught.

Lo'ak saw divers getting in the water with weird submarines. He waved, making everybody move and follow him. They navigated through the kelp, hoping to loose the guys swimming after them.

That's when they split up. Everybody went on their own way. Ngalu looked behind her. One of the submarines was after her. She tried to shake it off as they shot her Ilu. An air bag plopped open, making her Ilu float to the surface. Shit. She tried to swim off as quickly as she could. The submarine almost got her as she felt a hand pull her up. It was Lo'ak. Although she didn't want to see him right now, she was happy he saved her. She sat behind him as he put his hand on her thigh, making sure she wouldn't fall off.

The both jumped off his Ilu as they reached a hollow plant above the surface. They let out a huge gasp as they emerged from the water. They didn't realize Tuk and Tsireya were in there as well. They all jumped a bit from seeing each other, thinking it was the enemy. Ngalu had her hand on Tuks stomach, helping her control her breath again.

Tsireya looked down, noticing the enemy. 'It is coming!' She yelled, looking at Ngalu.

'We got to go!' Lo'ak said as they all took a deep breath and dove under again.

Ngalu did her best to swim off. She was an incredible diver after all. She quickly got away without noticing Tuk and Tsireya getting captured, tangled in a net as Lo'ak hung onto it to try and save them.

She was gone, away from the scene she thought. As she finally emerged from the water to breathe again, two large claws clung onto her, pulling her out of the water. 'Hey! Put me down!' She tried to squirm out of its grip but it was too strong. She knew this was an Ikran.

She got dumped on the ship, hitting her knees on the metal floor as she was dropped. The avatar, wearing full camouflage and gear, slapped one side of some orange handcuffs on her wrist and the other on a metal bar.

Ngalu hissed at the man, making him laugh. 'You can't do anything to me while you're tied up, sweet cheeks.'

'Shut your mouth before I fucking shut it for you.' Ngalu hissed once again, trying to lunge at him while being pulled back by the handcuffs. He took a slight step back, a little startled by her actions. She looked around, wondering where everybody was.

In the meantime, Lo'ak was getting angrier by the second. How did this Quaritch asshole think it was okay to capture them? It had all led up to this moment, he was about to kill Jake. But Lo'ak wasn't going to let that happen. Quaritch held a gun to his head.

Payakan circled beneath them, seeing Lo'ak being held at gunpoint. It was making Payakan angry too. Those feelings Lo'ak had and the fact that he was in danger, made Payakan freak out. He whipped his tail around while smashing rocks and pieces of dead coral around him. That was it. He needed to do something.

He dove up, jumping on top of the ship. 'Payakan!' Tuk yelled as he smacked a couple of Sky People.

'Brother!' Lo'ak yelled, kicking a person wearing a metal suit over to him while Payakan squashed it like a bug with his fin. He dove back into the water again after they tried to shoot him as well, hoping this was enough for Lo'ak to get the hell out of there.

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