chapter 28: stuck

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Ngalu had never been busy with boys. Tsireya however, she was always looking at boys. Not because she liked them. She was fascinated by them. They acted so different compared to females. She was very fixated on finding a mate. She needed one quickly, she didn't want to fall behind. Since she was planning on becoming Tsahìk.

Lo'ak Sully seemed to be the perfect candidate. He wasn't only the son of Olo'eyktan, he was also the child of Toruk Makto. All of those things seemed so great. Then came the fact that he was mysterious, funny and he knew what he wanted. It was what attracted Tsireya in the first place. But when she looks at Ngalu and Lo'ak, they looked a whole lot better together than Tsireya and him. Her heart sank, seeing him look at her in a way that she could only imagine happening to her. He looked like he was so in love, like she was the only girl in the world.

How did she never notice? How was Tsireya so naive to think that it meant nothing that day they sat by that tree. It hurt her, it felt like he lead her on. While he probably didn't even do that in the first place. She could remember talking to her sister about him. She seemed so happy for her. Only to be hurting on the inside.

The only thing Tsireya wanted was for her sister to be happy. She'd hear Ngalu sob at night. At first it was only sometimes, then it became more frequent. It got to the point where she'd do it every night.

She didn't know why she cried. She thinks she's got it figured out now. It was probably because of her back story. At least, that was the only thing Tsireya could think of.

Ngalu cried less these past weeks. In fact, she actually didn't cry at all. It was like she found her happiness. And that happiness was Lo'ak.

What did Neteyam think of that, Tsireya thought. How did he feel? She looked over at him trying to keep a smirk in. He knows?

After Ngalu's fight with her mother, she slightly agreed with her daughter. She listened to her and said that he could still see Payakan as they can no longer be separated because of their bond.

Ngalu lay stretched out on the sand. Tuk was covering her with sand. Neteyam was sitting behind them, laughing at Ngalu's face every time Tuk would "accidentally" throw sand in it. Kiri was watching the sand underwater. She liked the comfort of the ocean.

Lo'ak walked in, seeing their situation. He laughed and ran in, helping Tuk cover the girl with sand.

'Hey hey, I didn't agree to this.' Ngalu said while pointing to Lo'ak.

'Too bad, you're already stuck.' He covered her arms and legs with sand, making her scoff.

'Hey!' She hissed at him, making him laugh even harder.

Tsireya watched from a safe distance. She wanted to talk to Neteyam. But she couldn't face her sister or Lo'ak yet.

She slowly made her way over to them, waving at Tuk who spotted her first. 'Hey Tsireya!' She yelled, waving with her one hand as she scooped sand with the other one.

Ngalu and Lo'ak both turned their heads around, looking at the girl. She seemed uncomfortable. 'You okay, Rey?' Ngalu asked her.

She nodded, making an assuring sound. 'I wanted to talk.' Lo'ak already jumped up, walking towards her. 'To Neteyam.' She ended her sentence and Lo'ak stopped in his tracks.

Neteyam flung his head around and stood up. 'Sure.'

Yeah, that wasn't weird at all, Ngalu thought. She'd never really seen the two talk. She shrugged it off and went on playing with Tuk.

Tsireya made her way over to a log and sat down. As Neteyam did the same, she took a deep breath. 'Did you notice how Ngalu and Lo'ak look at each other?' She asked him. Unsure and fidgeting with her fingers, she looked at him.

Shit, he thought. She found out. Well, it was hard to miss with that whole thing that just happened. Everyone with eyes would know that they have a lot of tension. 'Yeah,' he slowly said, dragging the a.

She sighed again, watching the ground. 'I've never seen her like this before. This is so unfair. Why must Eywa give her the thing I want.' She said. 'I just want her to be happy.'

Neteyam agreed. 'I mean, I really liked Ngalu too. But later I realized how she looked at him and I compared it to how she looked at me. I guess I could've known for a while but I just didn't want to realize. Ngalu and I are better off as friends anyway and I love her in a platonic way. She's my best friend and that'll never change. But Lo'ak is so happy, I can't take that away from him. Sometimes you need to make sacrifices for your family. In the end it's worth it, seeing them be happy.' He said while putting a hand on hers. 'I'm sure you will find someone much better than Lo'ak. Who will look at you the way he looks at her.'

She smiled at the boy. 'Thank you, Neteyam. I really needed this.'

'Hey, I'm always here if you need to talk.' He said. 'But I do think you should talk to Lo'ak too.'

She nodded, agreeing with him. 'Yeah I should, shouldn't I?' She chuckled.

Maybe Neteyam was right. Maybe she will find someone better.

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