Chapter thirty two

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A week had gone by and there was still no sign of Jia anywhere. The story of the multi-billionaires daughter's disappearance has traveled across the world, becoming a hot topic in every country. Theories had begun to circulate around, many claiming that the investigators should start looking for a body now. There was no faith that a sixteen year old girl could survive by herself for that long, especially with the ever dropping temperatures. The only ones who still held faith now were the family and friends.

BTS had become an absolute wreck over the past week. They could barely go anywhere in the house that didn't remind them of Jia. In every corner of the house, Jia's presence had already touched. Sometimes they would see flashes of her smiling figure as she skipped around the halls or slid down the banisters. Her laugh, her smile, her energy all flooded their minds, bringing painful memories into their minds. Memories of their once happy sister, who they broke and lost. They would do absolutely anything to get her back. They wanted her, they needed her. They were never going to give up until she came home. Until she was safe with them again.

Namjoon sighed as he shut his phone. "That was Haneul. He said that not a single staff member has seen her."

Jimin rubbed his forehead. "I finally like that we've searched all of Seoul and the neighboring cities. Where could she be?"

" don't think anything bad could've happened to her, do you?' J-hope voiced his fear as he looked at the eldest.

Jin immediately shook his head. "No, she's alright. She's out there somewhere waiting for us, we've just got to find her."

"What if Chinhae's employer got to her?" Taehyung asked. Although they kept their real names a secret from the mafia world, Chinhae's employer knew who they were obviously since he targeted them. His main goal was to get Jia. With this news all over the media, it wouldn't be a shock if he had already sent men out to get her.

"The more we dwell on this, the more hope we lose." Yoongi argued back at them.

"Jia is alive and waiting for us to find her. We'll find her and bring her home." Jungkook added confidently, though his words were more for himself.

Namjoon's phone suddenly went off again and he quickly picked it up, a part of him hoping to see Jia's name on the screen. He frowned at the unknown caller ID, his brothers sharing the same look as him. Namjoon answered the phone and put the caller on speaker. "Hello?" he asked in a flat tone.

The voice on the other end started to laugh. "Well, well, well if it isn't Kim Namjoon, or should I call you RM, leader of the feared mafia BTS."

BTS all froze as this man spoke using Namjoon's real name. "Who the hell are you?" Jimin growled into the phone.

"Oh I'm just a big admirer of you all, Kim Jimin. The way you ruthlessly kill without any emotions. It's always been inspiring to me. However, what's more of a shock for me is that you cold hearted emotionless murderers could somehow find a way to let a little girl ruin everything good about you. Lucky for you, I've taken her out of the equation."

"Where is Jia?! What the hell have you done to her?!" Jungkook snatched the phone and yelled.

The man started to laugh again. "Nothing yet, Jungkook, nothing yet. You might want to check your email, though. I've sent you a little present. Go ahead and watch it, I'll be waiting." With that last statement, the phone call ended.

Namjoon threw his phone at Yoongi. "Track it."

As Yoongi got to work, the others opened up a nearby laptop. On the business email, used as a coverup for their mafia business, was an unknown email address with a link.

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