Chapter Thirty

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3rd Person:

"Jia?" Jin knocked on the girl's bathroom door after a while had passed since Jia left. There was no response and Jin opened the door and walked in. He surveyed the stalls but soon realized that there was no one in there. He ran his finger through his hair, frustrated, before walking back out into the halls.

"Did you find her?" Namjoon asked as he came over after checking the other rooms.

Jin shook his head and looked at the three younger brothers. "Any luck?"

They all shook their heads. Yoongi sighed and tried calling Jia once again. "Where the hell did she run off to?" He groaned angrily as his call went to voicemail again.

"Was she acting...a little strange tonight to anyone else?" J-hope voiced his concern as he recalled how his little sister acted the whole night.

Everyone nodded in agreement. BTS tried to keep an eye on her all night but there were so many times where she would disappear for a length of time only to suddenly reappear. There was also the weird factor that none of her friends came, but she interacted with OneDream like they were old friends. As if she had known them all her life and not just met them that day. All these factors rang alarms in their minds but they pushed them aside, believing it was just their overprotectiveness.

"Hyung, let's check the security footage." Jungkook suggested as soon as he thought of it.

Without wasting a second, the seven brothers sprint off in the direction of the security office. They knocked the secret knock that only their mafia agents knew and the door swung wide open immediately.

"No sign of Chinhae's men or any other threats, sir!" the agents bowed in unison.

"We need to check a few security footage. Wait outside." Jimin ordered as he pushed the men out of the way, focused on finding hints to Jia's disappearance.

While Jimin scanned over the recent security footage, Taehyung stopped the men before they left. "Did you ever see Jia leave the party?"

The men furrowed their brows. "There were many times she was in the halls but she only left the venue that one time at the beginning to see OneDream."

Taehyung nodded and let them continue on their way out. "Do you think she was just in the hall to get some air? It was very crowded out there."

Jin shook his head. "I saw her go out into the halls once and went to follow her. When I got there, she wasn't there."

Jungkook rubbed his forehead. "Did you find her?" He asked Jimin, his patience growing thin.

"I might've found something. Someone just entered the building with their head covered by a shawl. They entered a closet so I couldn't see their face." Jimin made the footage pull up on the big screen.

They watched intently as the closet door opened and out stepped a girl in a sky blue dress with blonde hair and purple tips, tied back in a ponytail. Before they could ask anymore questions, the girl grabbed the top of her head and pulled her hair off. The blonde hair was replaced with short dark hair and bangs that covered her eyes. The girl quickly pinned her bangs back with unmistakable accessories and left for a party with a smile. A smile that BTS could recognize wherever they were.

"That...that can't be her..." J-hope denied as he turned away from the screen.

"Jimin," Jin called out in an unnaturally calm voice, "pull up all the footage of that hallway from tonight."

Jimin quickly woke up from his shock and began to go back to the start of the party. Not even five minutes into the footage, they see the unmistakable figure of Jia sprint down and enter the same closet. A few minutes later, she comes out again but not as Jia. Her hair is in the same wig they just saw her take off and her dress is now strapless and light purple. As quickly as she was out, she ran out the back exit.

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