Chapter fifteen

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3rd Person POV.

"Why, why do I let you drag me into these kind of things?" Minjun complained as Jihun continued to drag him down the empty halls.

Jihun sighed. "Minjun, stop complaining, I'm doing this for your own good."

"How is this for my own good?!" Minjun practically screamed, causing Jihun to throw his hand over his mouth.

"Dude, come on! It's one little prank! You need to learn to live a little!"

"Why don't you take Jia?! She loves these kinds of things!"

"Because one, she left math class to turn some papers in and two, one of her brothers always walks her to class now. Now will you shut up and just do this!?"

Minjun sighed but before they could take another step, a crowd of students pushed past them, running down the halls. "Is everyone suddenly excited to get the chemistry?" 

"I doubt it, that's just a you thing." Jihun muttered. "Hey!" He called out to a running student. "Where are you all running to?"

"BTS is beating a kid up!" The student explained hurriedly.

"So? They literally get in a fight everyday and with everyone." Jihun shrugged, not seeing the importance of the news.

"But this isn't just a normal fight. It has to do with their sister!" With that the student bolted away.

Minjun and Jihun stood frozen on the ground. "Uh, you don't think they happen to have another sister?" Minjun gulped, hoping that Jia wasn't in the mess.

Jihun looked over at Minjun with wide eyes. "Doubt it!"

Minjun ran his fingers through his hair. "Alright, I'm going to go get Sunhee. You go find Jia and get her out of the mess before it happens."

Jihun nodded and sprinted as fast as he could with the running students he reached a crowd of people holding up their cellphones, recording the whole scene. He could hear blows being given and the screams of a boy. 

"JUNGKOOK, STOP!" he heard Jia's voice sound over the crowd but it was followed by a loud crash and a scream. Jihun wasted no time, pushing through the grumbling students until he reached the front. There he saw Taehyung and Jungkook, kicking and punching a boy who was covered in bruises and blood. His screams filled the hallways as he tried to cover himself with his arms. Jihun's eyes looked over to where he saw Jimin holding onto Jia tightly. Jimin watched his brothers with appeased expression, as if the screams of the boy were entertaining to him. He didn't even notice what was happening right in front of him. Jihun saw Jia and immediately knew that it was far to late to save her before she fell. Her eyes were emotionless and her smile had disappeared completely. All the joy her face once held drained from her as the boys screams reached her ears. Her fists were curled tightly as her whole body shook. 

Before he could even think, Jihun's body moved towards her. "JIA!" he screamed as he bulldozed into Jimin, knocking him away from Jia.

Jihun fell with Jimin and before he could even move to reach Jia, a hand grabbed his neck and pushed him against the lockers. "Now you've done it, Jihun." Jimin glared at him, spitting his name out with disgust.

Jihun desperately tried to break free from Jimin's grip, needing to get to Jia. "Jimin, let me go!" He screamed, trying to kick him. Jimin tightened his grip with a sneer and Jihun started to struggle for air. "Jimin...Jia." He gasped out as he pointed towards Jia.

Jimin turned to see Jia and immediately dropped Jihun out of his grip in shock. Jia's knees were in her chest as she rocked back and forth. Her hands covered her ears and she kept muttering to herself. Tears were streaking down her face but to Jihun, it was practically unrecognizable. The once happy girl he had knew was replaced by someone who had never smiled or known joy.

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