Chapter twenty two

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3rd Person pov.

The Kim siblings stayed at the skating rink for a very long time, enjoying each other's company. If anyone had walked in and seen these eight siblings, they would never have believed that it was in fact BTS skating around, laughing and smiling. The feared boys had become normal teenagers and it was all thanks to one girl who helped open their hearts and break down their walls. They seemed like a normal family when in reality they were anything but that, each one keeping a big secret from the other.

"Gosh I'm starving!" Namjoon commented as he took the skates off his feet.

"Should we go home or find a place nearby?" Yoongi asked, picking up his sister's skates to return them.

"Home is too far away." Jimin groaned, his hunger getting to him.

Jia looked up from where she was tying her shoes. "Hey, I know a place nearby. It's not like the fancy restaurants you're used to but it's a place mom and I used to go to all the time. My uncle actually owns it."

"Where is it?" Jin asked, getting his phone out to look up the address.

"It's not far from here. I can take us there." Jia pointed out the door, standing up.

"As long as it doesn't take us long I'm good. I'm literally contemplating eating someone here." Jungkook stretched his back.

"Lead the way." Namjoon gestured for her to lead, making sure to stay away from Jungkook.

Jia was practically bouncing with excitement as she made her way towards her uncle's restaurant. Along with Mrs. Choi, her uncle, had assisted in raising her when her mom couldn't. He was the brother of her real dad and had taken her in as his own daughter as soon as her dad had left. Although he and his brother had been close, a rift formed between them the second he walked out the door. Her uncle had never been able to forgive him, whether he was his brother or not. Jia had extremely appreciated everything he had done to help raise her and always made sure to visit him often. Obviously, it had been hard for the past month but now she was finally going to see him and her cousins again.

They arrived at a restaurant that was situated on the corner of a street. There was nothing about the place to really capture your attention but it was still bustling with people. Everything about the place was simple, like her uncle, and Jia was in love with the place. She could tell that her brothers weren't so impressed, used to restaurants with valet and fancy designs.

"Don't judge anything until you've experienced it, okay?" She asked them with begging eyes.

Once they all gave her a nod, she opened the door and walked into the restaurant. People were sitting at the counters and the tables around the restaurant. Although the place had people, there were still empty tables and seats available. At the register, a tall man with slick black hair scribbled something quickly into a notepad. His apron was black and covered with dried stains, signs of being a hard worker.

"Uncle Donghyun!" Jia called, waving at the man one he looked up at her.

"Jia?!" the man gaped in shock before coming around the counter. He immediately threw his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Where have you been?! We were ready to put out a missing person report! Where is your mom?"

Jia pulled back from the hug so she could look at him clearly. "We've been a little busy. Uncle these are my brothers. Jin, Yoongi, J-hope, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook."

The boys stuck their hands out as she called their names, offering a handshake to the man who had helped raise Jia. "So it's true. Your mom did marry." Donghyun looked at Jia after shaking Jungkook's hand.

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