Chapter thirty one

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3rd Person POV.

The sound of the front door opening sent all the brothers springing to their feet. "Did you find her?!" Jungkook asked immediately once he saw his two parents enter the house.

Their dad shook his head. "We've already reported her as missing to the police."

"That's not enough! We should be out there looking for her!" Jungkook argued trying to make his way to the door.

"What good will it do, Jungkook? If she sees us, it'll only make her run further away." Yoongi commented as he stared at the ceiling. He'd been replaying the last two hours in his mind and had been kicking himself for their behavior. If they had only handled the situation better and not let their anger get them, Jia would be here right now.

"There has to be something else we can do!" Jimin protested.

"Nothing can be done, we can only wait." Their mom stated calmly as she sat down on the couch, her head in her hands.

"Mom...we're really sorry we made her leave." Jin looked at the ground, feeling a pang of guilt. They had driven away Jia and hadn't even considered what it must be doing to their mom right now.

Yeona looked up at her sons with soft eyes, hearing the guilt in their voice. "It's alright, we'll get her back."

"Mom...during the whole thing, Jia made some weird comments. She said that being...that other person, it made her feel like she wasn't a mistake or something that wasn't supposed to happen." J-hope recalled. "What...what did she mean by that?"

Yeona sighed and leaned back on the couch. "She was talking about how she wasn't supposed to be conceived." She looked at the seven boys to see that their attention was all focused on her, waiting for her next words. "I got pregnant with Jia the summer before my second year of college. Her father was my on and off high school boyfriend. My family was very wealthy and had a status to maintain. They gave me two options: get rid of the baby or marry her father. Neither option sat well with me or her father. His family, however, was willing to help provide for the baby even though they had very little. I dropped out of college and took on a job as a cleaning maid. Her father stayed in school and worked as a night time musician.

"For about five years, it was just the three of us living on barely enough. Jia never complained though. She was the happiest child anyone had ever seen, always skipping around and singing. She would talk to any adult or inanimate object. There wasn't a moment that went by without her talking. She loved to sing and dance from the very beginning. Her and her dad would come up with crazy songs and dances which she would perform while he played his guitar. Jia was crazy happy with this life even though she had little to nothing. Her dad was not so happy with the situation Jia was in. He had grown up with nothing himself and he didn't want his daughter to live that same life. This led to arguments because he wanted to take money from my parents but they were only offering it if we were married. After a few months of arguing, he left, promising to return when he could take care of us himself.

"Jia was heartbroken with his sudden disappearance. She constantly blamed herself for being the cause of him leaving. If she hadn't been born then none of these problems would have happened. She blamed herself for driving him away. She's always seen herself as a "mistake" for that reason."

BTS' eyes filled with even more regret. They never even bothered to learn this about Jia. She always wore a smile on her face but now they know that behind that smile she hides pains and secrets. "How did she end up becoming...Jiyoung?" Taehyung asked, struggling to get the last part of the sentence out.

Their mom looked out the window with sad eyes, part of her hoping to see Jia come running up the stairs. She should be the one telling them this, but Yeona knew that she wouldn't be coming home. She turned back to look at her sons. "After her dad left, Jia developed a hatred towards music. She would start screaming and crying if she heard so much as a soft tune. She was like this for about two years until Sunhee helped her get over it. Sunhee's parents are divorced so she knew how to help Jia overcome this situation. With her help, Jia was able to recuperate and gain her love of music again. Sunhee dared Jia to audition for a company looking to form a new girl group. She did it just for fun but ended up getting a callback and later being accepted. The two other girls already accepted were none other than Mina and Ari. The company was also forming a guy group, the members being Jihun, Sungjae, Minjun, and Haneul. While the company was still looking for more members, the seven of them got together at one point and started goofing off. They hit it off so well that someone at the company came up with the crazy idea of putting them in a group together. The rest is history."

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