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I don't have any excuse to why I haven't been updating but please forgive me. 😟


"Have a good day booger." I cooed to Ajayy'after kissing Addie.

"You and those nick names. " he scrunched his face.

"You know you adore them. " I took his face inbetween my palms and gently kissed him.

"I'll let you keep thinking that." He tapped my thigh. 

The warning bell could be heard all the way out here in the car informing me that I need to get inside.

"I'll see you later on baby. " I kissed those lips once more.


I exited the car and headed straight towards my first block since I didn't have enough time to visit my locker.

Slipping through the crowded hallway, I made it to class just in time.

"Thank God it's Friday." I commented taking my binder out.

"You know that's the day Mr.Grady bitch ass give us a test." Jermaine frowned slouching in his seat.

"And Kera not here so guess whose gonna fail." I whined glancing at her empty chair.

"She know what she be doing but that's why I'm gone cheat off Maria ass." Jermaine said getting up to relocate.

"Right– Wait that's not fair." I signed, he only cares about himself.

Mr.Grady then asked for silence as he began passing out test.

I silently prayed hoping that I would past the test just before he placed in upon my desk.

Reading over the questions I realized it wouldn't be that difficult.


The day seemed to fly by even though I didn't have my partner in crime with me.

I've been stuck with Jermaine all day and he isn't too bad when he's not being childish.

"Why Kera over there?" Jermaine questioned pointing to our table as we entered the cafeteria together.

And there Kera surely was sitting at the table smiling down at her phone.

"So we skipping classes now?" I question placing my bag onto the table before I sat down.

"Huh?" She played confused.

"If you can huh you can hea'." Jermaine sat. "Now wea' you was at?"

"I over slept." She signed.

"Why cause
@KashyKera: When you acting up so daddy give you what you want to make you act right 😏💦😩?" I pulled up her tweet.

"No." She quickly answered avoiding eye contact. "I was studying."

"For the test that you were supposed to help us with." Jermaine cut her off.

"Yea that one." She nodded.

"You know you are very inconsiderate." Jermaine dramatically said causing me to burst into a fit of laughter.

"I am–"

"I don't want to hear anything else you have to say until you apologize." He covered his ears.

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