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"Wassup Fool." I dapped my nigga KC up.

"None to much waitin' onnat' action how bout' you?" He leaned against the brick wall outside if the corner store.

"Same just came to get my moms some food."

"Cool cool." He nodded. "Well I'll holla at you later." He dapped my hands again this time he gave me a half ounce which will probably last me for the week and I gave him a fifty cause he my nigga and he never over charge me.

"Aight." I entered the store after slipping the ziploc into the pocket of my polo sweat pants.

Before purchasing anything I text Lauren cause I'mma stop back through there before I go back home. I'm happy I got my bitch back, I feel like future. I won't message up ever again.

"You want sum' from the store?- 10:28, Jayy👨‍👩‍👧💕😽

I waited for a second but she ain't reply so I'll just grab what she usually gets. I went to the back and got a Blue Fanta soda for Lauren a Sprite for me and a coke for my momma.

A Blue Fanta and some spicy boiled peanuts - 10:32, Lauren👩‍👧😻

I remembered everything except them nasty ass peanuts. I removed the top of the steamy crockpot, scooped enough into a styrofoam cup then went to pay.

"Das' it?" The man asked ringing up the last item.

"Nah', Let me get a backwood too."

"What flavor?" The clerk asked.

"Russian creme."

"15.93."he began placing the items in the bag.

I handed him a twenty and let him keep the change because he was taking too damn long.

After walking out  the door and KC is gone. He never stays in one place for a long time. That's how you get caught up.

I text Lauren before pulling off.

Yo moms home?- 10:40, Jay 👨‍👩‍👧💕😽

Nope She went out to eat with her coworkers- 10:40, Lauren👩‍👦😻😘

I didn't  feel a need to reply so, I just slid my phone in my pocket and headed towards her house.

Come outside- 10:56, Jay👨‍👩‍👧💕😽 I sent her as I pulled in then turned my engine off.

Just come in but park yo car somewhere else so my ma won't see it when she get back. - 10: 59, Lauren 👩‍👦😻

Oh its like that? She want a nigga to come in. I park my car in an empty house a few homes down.

After exiting my vehicle I jogg to her house since I parked a few homes down. Before I could make it all the way onto the porch the front door swung open. Lauren stood in the doorway dazedly staring at me.

"You must miss me?" I hugged her and she squeezed me.

"Yes." She smiled so big I missed that. My baby had finally forgave me.

"Whea my baby girl at?"I locked the front door behind me.

"She upstairs in the bed sleep come on." She grabbed my hand leading me upstairs reminding me of the time when we made my baby.


I closed my bedroom door while Jayy lounged on my bed and began flipping through channels.

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