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"What do you need me to do again?" My mom asked for the third time. We are on the way to sign the papers for the apartment.

"I just need you to use your name as the main leaser and add ours as the other people living here until my birthday Ma" She's acting like I'm speaking Spanish.

"So I just gotta sign something saying the apartment is mine?" She started to light her cigarette. I didn't even complain because I know she can say no to signing the lease.

"Yea ma." I turned into the complex a little agitated because of the cigarette smoke. "Okay I'll sign it but don't forget about me when yall get yall place and my grand baby better be with me every weekend." She reconsidered the cigarette and put it up.

I would've been moved my mother out of the projects she was staying in but it's where she raised me so she was attached, and if she was content staying there then I wouldn't make her move.

"You not her only grandmother mom other people want to see her too." I drove towards the leasing office. It was located in the back which was weird.

"And where is her other grandmother? Is she signing this lease cause if she wants to she can?"

"Why are you acting like this you know why she not here. She's not as understanding as you. That doesn't mean she isn't a good grandmother." I parked.


I stayed at the house to pack Jayy's things since Addie couldn't go to daycare and I wasn't really feeling school today.

I'm so excited to be getting my first place somewhere me and Addie can call our own. We were supposed to wait til this weekend to actually moving stuff in since Momma Nae is signing the lease today but we're to anxious to wait.

"Are you ready to have your own room momma?" I finished changing Addie's diaper. She had no clue about what I was talking about but she still smiled.

"I love you." I picked her up and kissed her heading towards the kitchen to discard her used diaper.

"Da-Da." She clapped uttering her first words which kind of disappointed me that they weren't ma-ma.

"Do I look like your dad little girl?" I joked poking her stomach. "Say mommy." I threw the diaper away then walked back into the room.

"Da-da... Da-da." She kept saying and clapping. I put her down on the bed and recorded her.

"Say mommy." I demanded once again. "Da-da." She clapped smiling so hard. "Yall see my baby? She won't even say mommy for me. Her dad has her spoiled already it ridiculous." I finished the recording.

Soon as I put my phone down it rung. I checked then caller I.D and it was from the last person I wanted to talk to my mom so I waited to the fourth ring then hung up so it wouldn't look like I ignored her call.

I pushes the tears that threatened to fall back.

"You hungry momma?" I gave my attention back to my baby who was watching spongebob and slobbering all over her shirt she needs a bath.  "I know you're hungry come on so mommy can make you some eat eat." I picked her up and traveled to the kitchen.

I took one of her gerber banana meals out the fridge and sat her in the high chair momma Nae had bought since I left the other one at home.

After strapping her in I took a spoon out of the drawer, rinsed it ,then began to feed her.

She was already making a mess spitting out her food and rubbing her fingers in it. I guess she wasn't hungry so I took her out so Addictive could take a bath since she's all dirty now.

I ran a little warm water in the kitchen sink then went to get the things for her bath.

"Are you ready to be clean fat fat?" I took her clothes off. She smiled making a few noises. After checking the water one last time I put her in.

"Mommy's baby is going to be so clean." I washed her. She played with bubbles and water splashing a little.

"You having fun?" I continued to bathe her.

"Da-Da." She said again.

"I'm not your dad." I wish she would just say mommy.

"Did she just say dad?" Jayy exclaimed scaring me. When did they come in?

"She's been saying it all day." I frowned

"What's wrong with you baby?" He pulled me into a polo scented hug then grazed my lips.

"Nothing." I lied laying my head on his chest. "What's on your mind? I'm not dumb." He squeezed me tighter.

"My mom called." His demeanor changed. "What did she say?" He let me go like I'm the one who did something wrong." I didn't answer." I pulled him back to me.

"You can't avoid her forever. What if she says you can come back home?"

"Then I'll say no I already have a home full of people that love me and that want me there." I sadly smiled up to him. I missed my mommy.

"My girl." He kissed me again.

Addie chanted splashing the water smiling.

"You ready to get out?" Jayy went to the sink grabbing the towel. "Da-da." She splashed more water. Jayy took her out of the water.

"What Fat Fat?" He wrapped her in the towel. She mumbled a response back but we couldn't tell what she was saying..

All of us headed to the back so They could get dressed. I want to take my baby out tonight.

"Baby go get dressed. I'm taking you out and my momma gone watch Addie for the night. ." Jayy said laying fatmama on the bed. "Let me ease ya' mind. "


After getting my baby dressed I put her in her play pin that sat in the living room so I could finish packing my room.

Lauren packed almost everything up but it was still a few things on the floor so I threw it in packing box we will sort it out once we move in.

I am so excited ,and anxious ,and happy ,and much more. My love and my baby girl really matured me. A few months ago I wouldn't even think about moving out of my moms house.

After getting everything up I stacked the boxes by the door. Me and my niggas gone move everything in while Lauren at school. We haven't got Addie's school situation figured out yet so my mom will look after her during the day until further notice.


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