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I woke up around three am I figured since I'm not sleeping with Addie I would have slept through the whole night but nope. Jayy's phone decided it didn't want to stop ringing.

I smacked my teeth and shoved him.

"What?" He groaned wrapping his warm arms around my frame then pulling me closer to him.

I slipped out of his grip and retrieved his phone. I should be the one groaning his phone is ringing not mine. "Answer you're phone it's probably one of your girlfriends calling." I threw it at him. I just want to sleep through one night.

"Man stop playing with me you my girlfriend " he mumbled before answering his phone.

I felt relieved when I heard a males voice on the line even though I couldn't make out what he was saying, At least I know he's not cheating, for now.



"I'a be there." Those few responses and the conversation was over.

"Where you going?"I frowned.

"I gotta go make us some money." He lips grazed my forehead before he left bed.

At this time of night there's only one thing he could be doing. Selling drugs.

"At this time of night do you have to go baby?" I whined.

He searched for something to wear. "Yeah  I do, but I promise it's all worth it." He said in between pauses as he quickly put on his clothes.

"Baby I need you the most right now." My headache had of course returned. I just wanted to remain wrapped in bed with him.

"I'll promise you I'll be back in about an hour. Just trust me I'm doing this for us." He put his shoes on.

"Okay Ajayy." I said poking my bottom lip out.

"Don't be sad . I'll be right back." He kissed my poked out lip then licked it which made me smile.

After grabbing his cellphone off the dresser he pulled me into his embrace one more time and he was gone.

Alone again.

I snuggled under the pillow on the side Jayy was just laying on it was still warm and it smelled like him so I'll be okay. Tt made me feel a little better and I was able to go back to sleep.

My slumber lasted about an hour before I woke up again but this time it was loud crying, I knew it was my baby so I rushed to retrieve her.

Momma Nae was still sleep and I don't understand how she could sleep through the crying but I couldn't.

I took Addie into my arm, her shirt was soaked I guess she had been crying for a while now then exited the room making sure go close the door behind me so she won't wake her up it's still really early.

"Shh. Its okay mommy got you." she laid her head on my chest.

I know she's probably hungry so I go in to the kitchen to make her a bottle.

The bottle that Momma Nae purchased last night was on the coffee table so I quickly grab it in route. The formula was already in the kitchen so I start to make the bottle.

I struggled to balance Addie and the things for her milk in my arms but I made it work. 

I scoop two cups of the organic formula into her bottle then add her purified nursery water in the process of this I hear the front door open and close and I figured its Jayy.

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