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Jayy decided he wanted to have friends over so I woke up to lazy laughter. The sun wasn't really out so it's still early.

I got up out of bed to tell them to be quiet. I really wanted to sleep in today. The apartment smelled of weed even though his daughter was here we're going to have to talk about that.

I went to Momma Nae's room to get Addie first but neither one of them were in them so I decided to check the living room.

"Good Morning baby." Jayy mumbled smiling at me with his eyes low. He's high he has really lost his mind. And he has a house full of niggas around his daughter.

"Yea yea where's my baby?" He should know better to be smoking around her.

He was so high he didn't even pay attention to what I was saying. That's real inconsiderate.

"She over there with King." One of his friends answered for him exhaling smoke.

I looked at him weird cause I didn't know who none of them were and he noticed so he introduced himself.

"My bad I'm Cordell this Chris and that's Chris's son King." He pointed to a beautiful curly haired boy who was playing with Addie.

"Nice to meet ya'll." I spoke. Even though this isn't a nice way to meet someone.

I barely know them and they're sprawled across the couch high. I wonder what Momma Nae will think. Where is she?

Chris and Jayy were to dazed. Eyes so low you would think they were sleep.

So I went over to get my baby and King .They don't need to be in this environment. The pair were having fun banging blocks making noise until I interrupted them.

I picked Addie up she isn't that big but I know I couldn't carry King at the same time so I asked Cordell.

"Can you help me take them to back? They don't need to be around this smoke."I fanned my hands in Addie's face getting his attention he was staring at the tv which wasn't on.

"Yea my bad." He got up and pulled his sagging pants up before grabbing King.

I picked up Addie and the toys they were playing with up but I was struggling it was too many blocks.

"I got it." Cordell started grabbing block and put them into the toys bag. That was smart.

"Ok." What a gentleman better than my high ass boyfriend.

We walked to the back and set the kids on the bed then I sat down. I turned the tv on.

"Thank you." I said as he placed the toys on the bed.

"You straight. And my bad bout that smoking it's not AJayy's fault we pressured him into doing it." He removed the blunt from behind his ear and tucked it in his pocket. I'm sure it didn't take that much pressuring.

"It's okay just don't do it around them they're kids." I glanced at them. Their lungs aren't even fully developed yet.

"I understand I understand." He repeated before going back to the living room.

Honestly I don't think he cares.

I closed the bedroom door to keep the smell out and got back in bed moving some of the toys out the way so I could lay down.

I stared at the kids while they interacted and ended up irresponsibly falling back to sleep.

When I woke back up Addie was sleep next to me and King was gone. It didn't smell like weed anymore so I guess his friends were gone too.

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