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Last night ended pretty well. Wayne really lifted my spirits. He also advised me that men making a lot of mistakes and that I shouldn't leave him just because Brea tells me too without leaving out the part about him waiting for me if I do.

I'm not sure what's going to happen between me and Jayy but I do know that I'm not about to have my daughter running through these streets. So I guess I have to do what I have to do.

"Hey Mommy." I teared up walking into my mothers home.  Everything was so overwhelming right now.

"So you came to your senses?" She smiled with a look of succession.

"I missed you so much." I nodded breaking down in her arms.

"I've missed you too." She patted my back then quickly pulled away like she didn't want to hug me. "Where's your daughter?" She questioned.

My daughter? She's never referred to her in that way.

"She's with her grandmother." I cleaned my face.

"Don't you think you need to be picking her up?" She frowned. There she goes again trying to run my life.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a moment." I stuffed the tissue into my pocket.

"I'm not sure what we'd have to talk about when your child is in the care of some lady." My mom looked at me with disgust. A face I've seen many times before.

"Some lady that cared for your granddaughter when you decided to cut off her childcare."

"I figured you had it all figured out. You said that boy wanted to take care of his daughter so I gave him a chance." She smirked. This is not a joking conversation.

"So you put my daughter at risk of being taken from me to prove a point?" I got upset.

"You put my daughter at risk when you brung him into my him into my home." She argued.

"You know what mom? I'm not about to sit here and listen to this." I abruptly got up storming out of the house.

"Run away from your problems just like father.." Was the last thing I heard her say.

"Dad." I mumbled heading towards the bus stop.

I haven't spoken to him in months he doesn't even know I have a child.

I need to see him and introduce him to Addie just not now.

I join a teenage girl on bus stop bench but she was vibing to her music so I doubt she noticed me.

I started to think about what my mother said. Was I really running from my problems? She can't accuse me of running from her because she kicked me out but I am running from AJayy.

I've been avoiding going to see my baby girl all day because I know he'll be there with some sorry excuse that I don't want to hear. Even though deep down inside I know I need to listen and forgive him for the sake of my daughter.


"Lauren." Momma Nae worriedly embraced me as soon as I opened the door. I needed that.

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