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Addie and her grandfather.

One month later


"I love you." I kissed Jayy handing him his breakfast.

We made up a while ago, well our bodies did all the talking and now besides a few mistakes I can say we are officially back on track. We've been communicating more and Ajays been home a lot more as well.

I don't want anymore slip ups in our relationship so I completely cut ties with Wayne off this time.

In the beginning It didn't work so well and I ended up seeing him after a petty argument I had with Ajayy. I don't know what got into me but  long story short We chilled at his house and Addie was with momma Nae so that time things got rated R. By the grace of God we didn't have sex but he did put his mouth did explore a few places.

I could barely look Ajayy in the eye for a week straight and I know he knew something was up but he didn't give me too much about it. Even though I feel guilty about the whole situation I have yet to tell Ajayy and I plan to keep it that way.

Addie attempted to clap. My baby can tell when we are happy or upset. She's happy when we're happy.

She's growing up too fast for me I don't know what I'm going to do with her. She's too smart for her own good and her bad behind has been trying to walk which leads to her falling and crying for daddy who's of course always there to pick her up.

"I love you too." He balanced Addie and his plate between his hand.

"So what are you doing to do today baby?" I plopped down on the bed next to them.

"Work." He broke a small piece of bacon and fed it to Addie. "How about you?" He fed the other piece to himself.

"I think I want to visit my father and finally introduce him to Addie." I expressed.

Addie opened her mouth leaning towards Jayys hand whining for some more food. Her greedy butt.

"I think that's a good idea. You've waited long enough." He continued to feed Addie.

"I know she's almost half a year. I'm so scared I don't know how he'll take it." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You can't wait forever ma." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I know I think I'm ready." I got up to get prepared for the day.


"Does this look fine?" I frowned down at my attire. I was dressed in a very conservative black dress and pair of black Birkenstock sandals.

"Baby it's your dad not a job interview." Ajayy embraced me from behind placing a kiss on the side of my face.

I signed heavily then unplugged the flatiron I used to straighten my bundles earlier.

"You ready?" I turned around to face him.

"I'm ready whenever you are, and stop looking like that." He took my chin in between his index and thumb then brought my face to his kissing me gently.

I really needed his caring and love right now.

"I'm ready." I slipped to our bedroom to get Addie who was sleeping. I'll let her rest until we get to her house because I don't want her cranky meeting her papa.

I eased fat momma into her car seat after putting her baby bag on my shoulder.

"I got her." Ajayy grabbed her car seat.

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