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I want to dedicate this chapter to fiji-la


Lauren hadn't said anything to me all night. After putting Addie down to sleep she joined me in bed. She couldn't even look me in the eye and it's killing me.

I felt her weakly grab my arms and wrap them around her strangely cool body then she started to lightly whimper so I pulled her even closer to me to make her feel secure.

"Why can't I be good enough?" She cried. This is painful , because my baby is more than enough I wish she could see herself the way I do.

"You are good enough baby you're more than enough." I comforted her. I can't stand to see her this way.

"I try so hard." She continued. "I did everything right, got good grades, kept myself together but she would always compare me to her colleague's children." She expressed.

"Baby you can't live your life trying to fit anyone else's standards you'll never be happy." I caressed her back. "The only person you need to worry about being good enough for is our daughter." I placed a kiss on her head and proceeded to clear her tears. "Now stop crying and go to bed."

"Baby please don't let me go." She made sure my arms were secure around her.

"I won't, I won't." I repeated to reassure myself."

We have to get ourselves together


I woke up to a lonely bed but the aroma coming from the kitchen made up for it. I hadn't ate Lauren or one of her meals in weeks. I don't know which I was craving more.

I lazily got out of bed sliding my Ralph Lauren pajamas over my same branded boxers. Today was going to be a calm relaxed day I can feel it. I'm dedicating it to making my girls feel great.

I found Lauren in the kitchen over then stove and Addie watching her mommy in amazement from her high chair.

"Good morning princess." I placed a kiss on Addie's forehead immediately receiving a smile from her.

"Dah da." She babbled clapping her hands.

Lauren heard mumbling and her eyes immediately lit up in fact she didn't even notice me.

"You talking again fat fat?" She questioned before she realized I was in the room.

"Oh that's why, Good morning AJayy." She wrapped around me after kissing my cheek.

"Good morning baby." I noticed she was in a much better mood.

"You're looking thick in those pants." I felt her hand on a place it should never be.

"Girl stop." I joked removing her fingers from me. " But what are you cooking ?" I peaked into the kitchen noticing the eggs and pancakes on the stove.

"Normal breakfast." She shrugged. "Eggs, Bacon, and I made those pancakes for you and fat fat." She explained while I stared deeply into her beautiful eyes. I love this girl so much.

"Why are you staring at me?" She confusedly frowned.

"Because I love you." I brought her into a hug as my hands roamed her body. I can't keep myself off her for long.

"I love you too baby." She rested her head on my chest. I stood there for a moment to just hold her and let her know that she was genuinely loved. I comfortably tightened my grip around my baby. Addie began banging her cup on the high chair. I guess we weren't giving her enough attention.

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