Chapter 64

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"Kill the whale?"

Upon hearing this, someone immediately shook their head, "That whale is so huge, how could we possibly kill it."

"To ensure the track isn't destroyed, this is the only method."

Bai Yue said, "At the current speed, the track will be completely destroyed before we reach the finish line."

At these words, everyone looked at each other.

Just a few minutes ago, they were approached by this participant from Team Emperor One and heard this shocking idea.

According to this person's speculation just now, if that "whale" truly intended to destroy the entire track, completing the race would be a joke.

Let alone the top ten with the shortest time. It's possible that now, except for the Dark Flag running at the front, the other participants might not even make it to the finish line.

Though that's the case...

"I'd rather not." Without much thought, someone directly refused.

To be honest, after watching the previous few stages of the race, they all unanimously believed that the best approach to "obstacles" should be avoidance.

Moreover, although this person's argument just now was reasonable, it was just speculation. It's better to move forward as soon as possible than to stay here and deal with monsters.

"We are not like Emperor One." The man looked at Bai Yue, "No matter how much time you waste, you can guarantee a top 10 placement. But our rankings are very close, even if we really kill that monster, there is no benefit, just helping others."

This makes sense, Bai Yue did not insist.

"Sorry, but this is not my personal race, it's for collective honor."

With these words, the man stepped back a few steps and turned to leave.

Bai Yue looked at the others.

Meeting his gaze, everyone looked at each other.

To be honest, their thoughts were similar to the player just now.

Moreover, even if a few people gather together, they do not believe they can resist that huge monster.

With one person refusing, the rest didn't want to delay any longer and ran away one after another.

In the end, only Bai Yue was left.

The wind and sand grew stronger. The large pit that was hit by the whale just now had been buried by sand and dust again, and the track was nowhere to be seen.

The sound of the whale's moan came from the ear, vague as if it came from the sky.

Bai Yue turned his head and looked at the black shadow.

The size difference was too huge, which indeed made people feel fear. They didn't dare to think about challenging it.

The whale in the sand sea—this was a virtual creature set by the race organizers. Therefore, it cannot be considered with common sense.

The whale was covered in yellow sand, but when it opened its big mouth, a bloody throat was revealed. Since it is a living being, it can naturally be killed.

Moreover, when the whale attacked just now, he noticed a detail.

Such a thing could not exist in reality, so it is very easy to be overlooked.

—Using pheromones on animals.

Generally speaking, pheromones only have an effect between humans.

But whether it's the race organizers' settings or some other reason, when he released pheromones just now, it did effectively block the whale's actions, causing it to stiffen for less than a second.

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