Chapter 48

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Five individuals followed a patrol team member out of the small compartment.

All doors except theirs were closed, with a small green light illuminated on each, seemingly still undergoing testing.

Xu Chengdong was secretly thrilled: "Are we the first to clear the game?"

Cao Xun poured cold water on his excitement: "Or possibly the first to be eliminated."

The outcome of the last round was truly unclear. Although they had won two rounds, it was uncertain if a single loss would lead to their elimination.

The bearded man spoke with a deep voice, "I think there won't be any problem."

His statement was decisive. However, given his unreliable remarks in the past, it seemed to hold no reference value, and thus, no one responded.

The bearded man exclaimed, "Hey, wait, aren't you going to ask me why?" pointing at himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, they were led into a small room.

When Bai Yue saw the person standing inside, he couldn't help but halt in his steps.

Apart from Fu Cheng and the patrol team member, there was another team that had arrived before them. Among this team was Du Qin.

Although Bai Yue had guessed that the opponents in the third round were other candidates, he did not know their identities.

What a coincidence, running into Du Qin and his team.

After settling down, there was a clear one-meter distance between the two teams, maintaining a stance as if not to interfere with each other.

Fu Cheng, standing at the forefront, glanced over them and slowly began, "You've all worked hard. The preliminary selection has now concluded."

"Your performance has been observed by us, and you are the fastest to finish this assessment. For this, you are encouraged."

Upon his words, the patrol team members on both sides began to clap in unison.

Both groups of candidates were somewhat puzzled, not understanding the intent.

As the applause died down, Fu Cheng continued, "Next..."

He probably meant for them to go back and rest while waiting for the results. Xu Chengdong thought silently.

After three rounds of games, he was indeed feeling tired and wanted to go back for a long sleep.

Fu Cheng announced, "The results of the assessment."

Everyone was taken aback.

The results were out already?

Cao Xun questioned, "But the tests for others haven't finished yet. Shouldn't we wait until everyone is done for a comprehensive evaluation?"

Fu Cheng glanced at him, his dark pupils inscrutable, "Do not interrupt when I am speaking."

Cao Xun was stunned.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Fu Cheng continued, "We have our own standard. The pass rate we mentioned earlier is just an average up to this point. If you're excellent enough, it's not impossible for everyone to pass."

"On the other hand," he paused, "it's also possible for everyone to be eliminated."

With these words, the atmosphere in the room immediately became tense.

So, even though the virtual training field provided three chances to compete, victory wasn't the sole criterion for judgment?

Fu Cheng turned to look at the patrol team member, who immediately stepped forward, holding a small book: "The following names called, please step forward."

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