Chapter 1

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After completing the final check-up, Bai Yue sat up from the bed, a silver chain dangling from his neck with a plain silver ring attached. He glanced at it, tucked it back in, and buttoned up his shirt. "Alright, time for me to head out," he said.

The doctor, seated in front of the equipment, was focused on the screen, jotting down notes. "Your results will be out in three days; wait for the college to notify you," he informed.

"Okay, thank you, doctor," Bai Yue replied, grabbing his uniform jacket and leaving the examination room. Other students, waiting in line, followed him inside one after another.

It took him the entire morning to complete all the check-up requirements. As the "Imperial High School Unified Academic Examination," or "college entrance examination" for short, approached, it was mandated by imperial law that all students undergo a physical examination.

Luo Hua College, where Bai Yue was enrolled, adhered to this as well. Despite the intense study schedule of the third year, the school specifically allocated a day to send all students to a central hospital in Luo City for the check-ups.

Beyond the routine tests, the most crucial aspect of the examination was genetic testing. Humans are broadly categorized into three genders: Alpha, Beta, and Omega, determined at birth. Betas are the most numerous, followed by Alphas, with Omegas being the rarest and most physically delicate.

Gender aside, another critical factor determining an individual's superiority is their genetic level, heavily influenced by innate factors but only testable at the age of 18, with six levels in total.

The highest S level is almost mythical and virtually impossible among ordinary people, hence not included in regular tests. Most imperial citizens are of the C genetic level.

For the students of Luo Hua College from ordinary backgrounds, a D level is somewhat poor but acceptable, and C level is average. Securing a B level would offer bonus points in the college entrance exam and significant advantages in future employment.

An A level, however, is exceptionally rare and prestigious, typically found only among military offspring. Last year, Luo Hua College had an A-level Alpha, an anomaly that garnered extensive media coverage in the city, boosting the college's reputation and attracting many new students.

Such occurrences, however, are incredibly rare, and neither the teachers nor the principal of the high school harbor any expectations for another miracle.

At least that's how the teacher in charge of this year's third-year group felt, finding the medical check-up process tedious and boring. After spending an entire morning at the hospital and unable to smoke in front of the students, he was nearly suffocating.

Having completed his medical examination, Bai Yue went to submit his form to the teacher, only to find him slumped over, seemingly asleep.

Pausing, Bai Yue looked around and noticed a male student standing nearby, collecting forms on the teacher's behalf. He approached and handed over his form, saying, "Thank you for your effort."

This student wasn't any class representative; he was just the first to finish his check-up and got roped into doing this chore by the teacher, harboring a bellyful of frustration. However, Bai Yue's smile instantly soothed his irritability, lighting up his face with joy.

"Not at all, not at all, serving the people," the student responded cheerfully.

Bai Yue was considered the dream lover of Luo Hua College. Not only was he handsome, but he also had a gentle personality. Unfortunately, he was quite low-profile and had a boyfriend who was not to be trifed with.

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