Chapter 16

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As the final bell rang, the students didn't wait for the teacher on stage to finish speaking before grabbing their bags and rushing out.

The teacher sighed in resignation. Most of the third-year students had entered the awakening period in recent days, resulting in many absences. Everyone's minds were not focused on studying, so the teacher could only shake their head and start packing up their materials.

Bai Yue glanced at his phone and found that he had received a reply. However, the content was very concise, with just a "okay" in response.


Although the other party hadn't said anything and had accepted the suggestion to give him some time to cool off, there seemed to be a slight rift between them.

The other matters that needed to be resolved could wait until they met tonight.

As Bai Yue was about to head towards the door, he suddenly remembered what the homeroom teacher had said this morning. So, he made a detour to the office first and informed the teacher about his genetic grade.

When the homeroom teacher heard the answer was a C grade, disappointment was evident on their face.

Bai Yue had good grades and performed much better than An Yu in class. The teacher had thought he could at least achieve a B grade.

If Bai Yue could join their class, the class the teacher led would stand out in the entire grade. And the teacher themselves would also receive the most bonuses for the year.

However, this matter was not something external forces could decide. Perhaps Bai Yue himself was the most disappointed.

So, the teacher comforted him, "It's okay, a C grade is still good. I remember you mentioned before that you wanted to enter the culinary institute, right? I'll help you choose well."

Bai Yue replied, "Thank you, teacher."

Afterward, the homeroom teacher chatted with him a bit more about his grades. When he came out of the classroom office, the third-grade floor was basically empty.

Bai Yue didn't delay any further and headed towards the school gates. As he was descending the stairs, a certain Alpha came walking towards him, their face looking somewhat familiar.

This Alpha seemed to be coming straight for him. They stepped forward and blocked his path. With a menacing look, they demanded, "Come with me!"

Bai Yue looked at the person's face and remembered something.

Although this person wasn't in his class, they were one of Fang Zhenren's lackeys, always acting like Siamese twins with him. So when they appeared alone, he didn't immediately recognize them.

However, even after recognizing the person's identity, he had no intention of paying much attention and continued walking downstairs.

"Hold on!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a dark shadow suddenly flew towards him and landed heavily on the ground in front of him. It was Li Ren's backpack.

"Do you know whose stuff this is?" The Alpha practically snorted from his nose. "If you don't want your friend to suffer, then hurry up and come with me."

Bai Yue lowered his head and looked at the khaki-colored backpack. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the boy.

For some reason, when their eyes met, the boy instinctively felt a bit timid and couldn't help but want to step back. But he immediately felt something was wrong. As an Alpha himself, why should he be afraid of a weak Omega?

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