Chapter 53

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Cao Xun was initially taken aback. The man standing before him wasn't particularly muscular, yet his mere presence conveyed an infinite sense of security. Opening his mouth, after a brief pause, he shouted, "Listen up, everyone! The giant wolf's weakness is its belly, attack its belly!" However, the surrounding clamor of battle was too overwhelming. His voice was drowned out, evidently failing to reach the ears of others.

The bearded man took a deep breath. When he spoke again, it was with a roar that could rupture eardrums. "Attack its belly!" This cry finally provoked a response. Everyone promptly followed his command. In an instant, the momentum shifted. The seemingly unstoppable monsters were now being pushed back, defeated at every turn.

A government official from the Lianxing stood at the back, watching the scene unfold with a growing sense of dread. "What are you all doing? Get in there!" He waved his hands frantically, ordering the soldiers accompanying him. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a dark figure darting out from the crowd, heading straight for him. His heart skipped a beat, nearly causing him to fall. The oncoming figure was menacing. Upon locking eyes with the assailant, the official felt his life was about to end in the next second. "What are you doing standing there? Protect me!" he screamed.

His guards immediately turned and charged towards the approaching shadow. A fraction of them, armed with laser guns, didn't hesitate to pull the triggers. In a flash, several beams of light, each carrying lethal force, intertwined, engulfing the shadow.

Gravel shattered and dust clouds rose into the air. Simultaneously, students from the Emperor One Military Academy were watching the live broadcast intently. They had thought the selected candidates were at their wit's end, but at the last moment, someone unexpectedly arrived to save the day. But now, what was happening?

"Could they have been hit?" one wondered. "It's possible…" another speculated. As the dust settled, the guards moved forward to finish off the individual. But when they clearly saw the scene before them, they paused in astonishment. Instead of the expected corpse amidst the scattered stones, there was just a large crater on the ground. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept over their heads. "!!!""Wrong, look up!" At that moment, everyone realized that the person had managed to leap aside before being hit, grabbing hold of the top of a column. Now, they were leaping down towards them!

The guards snapped out of their daze and raised their laser guns. There was no dodging in mid-air; this time, they were sure they could take down this elusive figure. So they believed. "Fire!" Just as the command was given, the leader felt something was off. A great force tightly gripped his trigger finger, immobilizing it. Despite nothing visible around, he was inexplicably held in place. Panicking, he looked around to find his men experiencing the same phenomenon. They struggled to pull their triggers, but their fingers were as if frozen.

A shadow loomed overhead. The leader abruptly looked up, just in time to see the dark figure descending upon him. A sharp knife gleamed silver in the air, its brilliance matched by the pair of light grey eyes that seemed to shine with a silvery light, making them sparkle in the dim mine. The leader's heart skipped a beat.

The next second, he felt as though his neck was being fiercely gripped, making it hard to breathe. The air became unbearably heavy, as if a massive weight pressed down, threatening to crush their lungs.

Screams echoed as, with a loud bang, dozens of guards fell to the ground. They collapsed outward like blooming flowers, leaving only one standing in the center.

The fallen guards' faces were twisted in agony, clutching at the fronts of their shirts. The live broadcast briefly went to a blank screen. Then, in the next second, thousands of comments burst forth, instantly flooding the entire screen. "What the fuck???"

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