Chapter 59

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The warm-up match lasted for about 20 minutes and was finally nearing its end. Members of Group B and Group D were already cheering in advance because, with Group A only able to score at most two more points, they, being the first and second groups, were certain to become official team members. Meanwhile, Group E, looking at their team's lonely two points, fell into a deep self-doubt.

It didn't make sense. It was one thing for Group B to have Shang Yufei, but why was their gap with the other groups so significant? Suddenly, they all harbored a suspicion and turned their heads to look at the teacher simultaneously. Could it be that the weaker members were intentionally placed in Group E because E comes last in the sequence ABCDE?

Noticing the accusing glances from the team members, the teacher coughed lightly. "The teams were assigned randomly... You'll just have to do your best in the future."

On the other hand, members of Groups A and C were intently watching the proceedings on the field. The outcome mattered greatly to them, though their thoughts on the situation varied. Currently, Group B had two members left on the field, both of whom had scored the most points. Although Bai Yue of Group A was formidable, the rule of "no use of pheromones" undoubtedly limited him greatly. Relying solely on physical ability, he might not outperform the two from Group B.

Thus, while they continued to pay attention to the match, there were mixed feelings—some were happy, others worried. Members of Group C didn't see a big issue, but Group A felt uneasy.

Someone from Group A shouted, "Don't worry, junior! Just do your best; it's the seniors who haven't been competitive enough!" The match wasn't over yet, but people were already consoling Bai Yue, telling him not to take it to heart.

Xu Chengdong, however, felt differently. Having witnessed Bai Yue's numerous miracles, he still believed Bai Yue would not lose to those two formidable opponents this time. To avoid distracting Bai Yue, he dared not voice his encouragement but shouted in his heart.

The sun was particularly glaring that day. It was broad daylight, with a splendid sun hanging high in the clear sky. Bai Yue and the two opponents stood still, facing each other, without making a move.

The team members found this odd. Normally, the two from Group B would discuss taking Group A's headband together, swiftly ending the match. But now, there was no sign of coordination between them, not even eye contact.

Someone couldn't hold back and yelled, "What are you waiting for? Go on!" But the response was two fierce glares—one ice-cold, the other murderous. The person immediately fell silent.

Probably used to being in the same group as Shang Yufei, daring to shout at him like that was a mistake. Bai Yue understood why Shang Yufei didn't want to make a move. But what about Mu Sihan? He usually didn't care about minor matters. Based on his understanding of Mu Sihan, he should have charged forward already. What was he hesitating for?

Noticing the gaze, Mu Sihan paused for a moment. After a brief silence, he turned and walked away. "Wait, what is he doing?" "He's going out of bounds. Does he intend to give up?" "After all, Group B is the undeniable first place. Whether they take the headband or not doesn't really matter."

Mu Sihan turned a deaf ear.

He lifted his foot, intending to step out of the circle, when suddenly he felt a breeze behind him.

Mu Sihan, sensing something, instinctively dodged to the side. Just in time, he saw a hand sweep past his face, the fingertips grazing the headband on his forehead.

Then, Bai Yue's profile entered his field of view.

The pale grey pupils turned to the right, casting a glance his way. When their eyes met, Mu Sihan's pupils shrank, and he steadied himself on his back foot.

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