Chapter 34

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Lu Ke slowly opened his eyes to the sight of a snow-white tent. The air was thick with the scent of disinfectant. His head was still foggy, unable to grasp the current situation.


A strange female voice came from beside him, "If you're awake, go gather outside. It's about time."

Lu Ke blinked in confusion and looked over to see a girl in uniform. When he noticed the school badge on her uniform, his eyes widened involuntarily.

Wasn't this a student from the "Emperor One Academy"? How come she was here talking to him?

Lu Ke sat up abruptly. The sudden movement almost twisted his neck, causing a dull ache.

He grunted, then belatedly recalled what had happened earlier.

It seemed like a group of interstellar bandits suddenly appeared on the airship, intending to kidnap them omega folks. There was resistance afterward. Then, there was that intoxicating pheromone...

As memories slowly resurfaced, recalling the last scene before he fell unconscious, Lu Ke couldn't help but blush.

Has he been caught? And the partner... seems to be Bai Yu?

But why? Isn't Bai Yu an omega?

Up until this moment, Lu Ke's mind still hasn't turned the corner.

After that student from the Emperor One Academy reminded him, he turned away to attend to other matters.

Lu Ke jumped off the bed, only to discover that this was a makeshift medical tent. Besides him, many students were lying unconscious on the sickbeds.

Some looked familiar, passengers from the same airship as him; others were strangers he had never seen before.

However, without exception, everyone appeared young and inexperienced, like recent graduates.

After glancing around for a while, Lu Ke walked out of the medical tent. Just as he stepped out, a dazzling sunlight hit him directly, making it difficult for him to open his eyes.

Then, as he gradually adjusted to the light, the surrounding scenery finally unfolded completely.

A vast aerial docking station, with numerous airships of various sizes parked. Besides the medical tent behind him, there were more temporary buildings lined up in a row, creating a spectacular scene.

People coming and going were dressed in uniforms or work clothes. Some were airport staff, while others were students from military academies.

Although these students came from different military academies, without exception, they all wore a red armband around their arms.

—Just like the girl he had seen in the medical tent earlier.

What... what is going on here?

Lu Ke was stunned. The scorching sunlight poured down on his head, making him feel dazed and almost immobilized in place.

Just then, someone lightly tapped his shoulder.

Stiffening his neck, Lu Ke turned to look back. When he saw the person clearly, he instinctively recoiled.

Bai Yu's hand hovered in the air. He smiled and lowered his hand, "Are you awake?"

"Awake... awake," Lu Ke replied awkwardly.

As he remembered what had happened on the airship, he found it difficult to face Bai Yu properly.

What did he say back then? Can he bite his tongue?

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