Chapter 61

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"Ladies and gentlemen, good day! The 54th Imperial Military Academy United Sports Meeting is about to begin!"

"The reward for the first place in this competition is unprecedentedly generous. Surely, many of you have heard about it!"

"That's right! In addition to the usual monetary and military honors, the winning student this time will also have the opportunity to intern at the military department early. And—!" The host's resonant and spirited voice echoed throughout the entire stadium. As he reached his final sentence, he elongated the ending.

"As one of the organizers of this school event, the military department will provide a prototype mech, which will be awarded to the victorious military school!"

The champion's prize of the inter-school sports meeting had been heavily advertised before the competition started.

Although the audience had been well aware of it, they couldn't help but erupt in deafening cheers when they saw the silhouette of the prototype mech projected on the electronic screen.

This sports meeting is indeed very extravagant!

Speaking of "mechs," these military items can be traced back to over a hundred years ago. At that time, the Empire and the Federation were in a period of war, with most national funds being invested in the military.

And the most lethal weapon developed was this "mech"—capable of taking on a hundred foes alone. Even an omega, who couldn't even truss a chicken, could easily dispatch enemies with it.

This was also the main cause of the sharp increase in casualties between the two countries.

So after the war ended, the Empire and the Federation signed a "Peace Agreement." One of the clauses was the complete abandonment of "mechs."

Most mechs were reduced to scrap metal during the war, and the few that survived were deliberately destroyed. It wasn't until a hundred years later that the military department unearthed a few intact mechs.

Though no longer operable, they still hold great value as artifacts bearing witness to that painful history, making them priceless.

It was completely unexpected for the military department to give such a gift to the winning school this time.

In the stands, the media present were very excited. Regardless of the actual competition, such a prize alone could become major news!

Although the close relationship between the military departments largely meant the left hand was giving to the right hand, it was undeniable that having a "prototype mech" in the name of a "school" would be a great honor for that institution.

Some media personnel have already opened their light brains, beginning to feverishly edit their copy.

The two schools given the most hope at present—"Empire One" and "Dark Flag." If Dark Flag could win the "prototype mech" consecutively, a change in the century-long military school rankings could well be possible.

This competition is bound to be spectacular!

Once the audience calmed down a bit, the host spoke again, beginning to introduce the preliminary competition rules.

For fairness, the organizers would not notify the competition events in advance but would announce them on the day of the competition.

Therefore, the inter-school sports meeting tested not only the strength of the students but also the strategic abilities of the coaching teachers.

Anticipating the strategies of other schools and responding to them was crucial.

Because the sports meeting lasted only one day, considerations had to be made for conserving energy and timing the appearance of each participant.

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