Chapter 43

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The two arrived at a corner of the staircase.

This location, nestled between the floors, was seldom frequented by students, ensuring privacy for discussions.

Bai Yu stood still, turning to face Shang Yufei, who maintained his grim expression, hands tucked in his pockets.

Bai Yu had rehearsed countless opening lines and persuasive arguments. Yet, when it came time to speak, it only escaped his lips as a gentle sigh.

"I don't wish to prolong this standoff," Bai Yu said. "I didn't come here to argue with you."

"...," Shang Yufei remained silent.

Bai Yu continued, "I'm standing here of my own accord. Can't you understand that?"

Shang Yufei furrowed his brows but said nothing.

Observing his reaction, Bai Yu murmured softly, "In that case, let's make a pact."

At these words, Shang Yufei turned to look at him. His emerald eyes narrowed slightly, "A pact?"

"I will become stronger," Bai Yu declared. "Strong enough to protect myself. I won't easily get hurt, nor will I let you worry."

"You can set a deadline for me. If, by then, I fail to meet your expectations..." he paused, "I will drop out."

"On the contrary, if I succeed, you must acknowledge my identity as a military academy student."

He clenched his fist and extended it towards Shang Yufei, stopping just half a meter away from him.

This gesture was customary among alphas when reaching an agreement of sorts. A fist bump symbolized mutual understanding and acknowledgment.

However, Shang Yufei merely gazed at his hand, making no move.

After a moment, he raised his hand, not to reciprocate the fist bump, but to grasp Bai Yu's wrist.

"There are more wounds," he said.

The skin still bore its cold, pallid hue, adorned with crimson scars that crisscrossed like intricate patterns on a white canvas, carrying a cruel yet captivating beauty.

Yet, for Shang Yufei, beauty was imperceptible in this scene of suffering.

He raised his gaze, meeting Bai Yu's eyes. "Such words shouldn't come from someone so wounded."

His grip tightened. "You must return."

Bai Yu hesitated.

He briefly closed his eyes. "Then, let me add one more condition."

"When I become strong enough, I won't easily get hurt again. And you'll be the judge of that strength."

He relaxed his fist and extended his hand once more.

Though Shang Yufei caught Bai Yu's wrist, he didn't exert much force, allowing him to draw nearer.

Then, the calloused fingertips lightly grazed his face.

Feeling the warmth, Shang Yufei tensed.

Bai Yu's slender fingers glided from behind his ear to his chin, tracing the sharp contours.

Shang Yufei seemed uneasy, as if wanting to pull away. But before he could, Bai Yu retracted his hand, closing his fingers.

"This is the only solution I can think of, one that both of us can agree upon," Bai Yu's lips curled slightly, a hint of helplessness in his tone. "But it seems it might not suffice, after all?"

"After finally arriving at this school, I had hoped for more time with you, not arguments," Bai Yu said, his voice softening as footsteps passed by upstairs, gradually fading away. After a moment, the stairwell returned to silence.

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